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About Dosantos

  • Birthday April 15

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440 profile views

Dosantos's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Even deleting pro and using ccleaner still will remain leftovers on your pc. To delete these ones, open the regedit (to delete registry keys),then go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software and delete the folder 'PROTeam'.
  2. There are two openings that I personally like a lot, they're in PT-BR (best version IMO). Saint Seiya: Dragon Ball:
  3. Happy Birthday, Mixy! I Hope you have a great day. I have something for you, just meet me in Blackthorn PokeCenter to pick up your gift! :Angel:
  4. Unable to leave this area once you go there get stuck
  5. Hey Sniper! How you doing? PM me so we can talk.
  6. Route 28 Mart Three Island Bond Bridge Icefall Cave B1F Five Island Green Path Seven Island House 1 Trainer Tower
  7. Dosantos

    General Bugs

    Maps where bicycle shouldn't be allowed <r>Mt. Silver Upper Mountainside <SPOILER><s> </e></SPOILER> Mt. Silver Summit <SPOILER><s> </e></SPOILER></r>
  8. Six Island Water Path Sevault Canyon Tanoby Ruins Trainer Tower Goldenrod City
  9. There should be a door not only wall
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