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Everything posted by Madhouse

  1. Re: madstore bold regenerator slowpoke 24hour auction now! <r><QUOTE author="MadHouse"><s> </e></QUOTE></r>
  2. Re: madstore bold regenerator slowpoke 24hour auction now! <r><QUOTE author="CJTempestz"><s> </e></QUOTE> i'll sell it to you in 24hours if no one offers higher.</r>
  3. Re: madstore bold regenerator slowpoke <r><QUOTE author="MadHouse"><s> </e></QUOTE> <SIZE size="150"><s></s><HIGHLIGHT highlight="red"><s>[highlight=red]</s>b/o 300k by Jurro <br/> <br/> 24 hour auction starts now<e>[/highlight]</e></HIGHLIGHT><e></e></SIZE></r>
  4. Re: madstore bold regenerator slowpoke <r><QUOTE author="MadHouse"><s> </e></QUOTE> <SIZE size="150"><s></s><HIGHLIGHT highlight="red"><s>[highlight=red]</s>b/o 300k by Jurro <br/> <br/> 24 hour auction starts now<e>[/highlight]</e></HIGHLIGHT><e></e></SIZE></r>
  5. Re: madstore bold regenerator slowpoke <r><QUOTE author="Jurro"><s> </e></QUOTE> you have b/o sir <br/> <br/> 24 hour auction starts now .</r>
  6. Re: madstore bold regenerator slowpoke <r><QUOTE author="crazyping12"><s> </e></QUOTE> you have b/o sir</r>
  7. [highlight=green]Welcome to the madstore[/highlight] - Be polite. - This is not an auction and I will sell whenever i feel it acceptable. - 1MS = 230k - i'll keep update this topic regularly. - Add my name ingame if U want more information. start: 50k insta:? Sold to Dunkran for 850k
  8. howdy do bois i just wanted to share my artwork i drew my favorite pokemons xd
  9. my name is madhouse nice to meet you all my english is not good xd :Smile: i play pokemon go my best is 34 cp krabby hehe
  10. Honestly I would like to be Stunfisk, I feel like he's everything a pokemon ought to be. He has the strength, the defense, the speed and don't forget about the looks, this majestic beast is so stunning he has the word stun in his name. What's not to love about Stunfisk. #stunfiskisbaeisthewholepackageisaqtimagineifthisbadboigotamegaevolutionholysht ...In all seriousness though prob bidoof.
  11. Inuyasha was the first anime I ever watched, I would catch every single episode on tv but they would constantly reset the show to the beginning which pissed me off. Especially when it was about to get good too.
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