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About Gedang

Gedang's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. hello ty for the update with battle background.. battleing wild pokemon is more lively now :D, but there is some bug at r26... if u surfing at route 26 ( under the bridge) i like hiding xD... the background when u battle wild pokemon become a "grass battle backgorund"... but if u surf ( not under the bridge) the background is a normal , just like usual backgorund battle when u surff... hope u guys fix that... ty for making awesome game... :D
  2. Re: Miles' Membership Club [GRAND OPENING SALE] <r>let me join the club.... :D<br/> <br/> yey i am join the cllub.... ty miles.. very good seller... <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  3. hello guys welcome to my shop.... :Angel: WTS some pokemon - Murkrow with brave nature 23 IV attack 16 IV spd ( pm me in game fo the detail) - Murkrow with adamant nature 25 IV attack 05 IV sp ( pm me in game for deatail) - Vulpix Hidden ability with hardy nature with 30 IV spd and 28 sp.atk ( pm me in game for the detail) -magikarp with docile nature ATK IV 27, SPD IV 28, SPDEF IV 30 ( pm me in game for the detail) WTS Evolution stone -a piece od duskstone (offer me in game or leave message in this thread) all of my stuff are negotiable especially for duskdstone ( i know is hard to get since cerulean cave is not open) :Angry: see yaaa in game... :Sing: Edit : sold 1 of my duskstone adding more poke
  4. @Gedang cant proceed to route 1 from pallet town.. after i hve my 7th badge, i am bout to get my 8th badge... but icant go to route 1.. there is text message just like the 1st time i come to pallet town.. i wonder whats with the eevee Delete Converted from Bug Tracker to forum post by @Red
  5. Gedang

    General Bugs

    @Gedang i am trying the new npc at safron, move bullet... after talking with him and pay 2k pokedollar.. nothing happen and i cant move ( need to relog to fix it)... Converted from Bug Tracker to forum post by @Red
  6. Gedang

    General Bugs

    you are in violet now.. did it start working or? already send the detail to the email that u give me :D
  7. Gedang

    General Bugs

    hello i want to report something.. i am sorry if its not in the right place... today i just finish E4 kanto and go to johto region... after choosing my starter, i try to lvling up a bit at the 1st wild area in johto... the problem come when the battle freeze, yes only the battle freeze... i still can chat like usual. Since i cant move on from the battle, i try to relogin... and then when i am login, this is what happen to my account...
  8. just like the title said.. later when this game launch... i really need a challange, not just catching some VR or HR poke... but a super hard quest.. so this is my idea.. Oldman npc ( maybe mysterious adventurer will be a good name for this npc :p) this oldman will give us some list to do.. with 1 - 5 or 1-9 parts of quest... so basically the quest just to get some held item from pokemon... for example.. the 1st part of quest the oldman ask us to get 3 or 5 mystique water, and he will give a clue to us which pokemon hold that item... and i hve my own requeest for the last part of the quest.. the oldman ask us to get 5 RAZOR CLAW ... :v oh yeah i suggest just put this npc somewhere in pallet town... and it will be nice if this NPC is inside some tree house (just like tree with hole like veridian maze) since he is "mysterious" .... Edit : i forgot about the reward ... :p hmmm what u guys think for the reward... i vote for mega stone X and mega stone Y.... mwahahaha... :x89: for reading my suggestion ;v GL for PRO.... :D
  9. now its work... actually i try to download the 64bit 40mins ago... but it always redirect back to the download page... xD
  10. i cant download the new version... any idea?? everytime i try to download the new client,its always redirect back to the download page... :Frown:
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