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  1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Introduction Hi everyone, Squirtle Squad is a new guild primarily consisting of new players just working on progressing through the story. Many of our founding members are veteran Showdown players so we plan to transition into a PvP guild eventually, but for now we're just focused on creating a chill environment for players to learn the game and make friends. We're all super active so we'll nearly always be around to chat and help. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Guild Services Because we're a new guild, we can't really offer any *official* services that will always be available to every member, but if you ever need anything you can of course message me or any of the other more experienced members in the guild. We'll be happy to help however we can, whether it be helping to fill out your Dex or giving advice for your team. Giveaways We can't really do giveaways at the moment either, but let's be honest, they're probably all rigged in other guilds anyways. Events While we may not have the resources to just freely do giveaways, I do plan on hosting events with rewards since they're more exciting than just signing up for a giveaway. Events might include something like a Showdown or a Haxball tournament. Since most of you probably don't know what it is, Haxball is a 2d soccer web game that all of our founding members are experienced in to varying degrees. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who we're looking for We're looking for players who will be active, are mature, and are not toxic. This of course includes new players who are looking to learn the game, as well as experienced players who are interested in helping a new guild and new players to learn the game. We understand that not everyone wants to be buddy buddy with their entire guild, so we won't force you to "socialize" if you don't want to, as long as you're active. This goes for the people that just want to sit in the guild for the exp bonus as well. The only caveat is that if we don't know who you are, you are likely to be the first people kicked if we need space. We also desperately need someone who has even an ounce of artistic experience and ability, because as you can see at the top of this post, I have none, and nobody currently in our guild has any either. We would greatly appreciate someone who would be willing to design our in-game icon! Requirements So the main requirement we have is that you speak English. It's fine if you're from the EU, but just be aware that most of our players are from NA and might not be on when EU players are online. We also require that you have Discord and actively use it, but don't worry, we won't spam you with @everyone. We have no age requirement as long as you're mature. Application In order to get an invite to the guild and discord, just answer the following questions in a reply in this thread: What is your in-game name? What is your discord ID? How many hours do you have on PRO? Why do you want to join our guild? (Be honest! If it's just for the exp bonus, that's fine, just say so) What is your primary focus in PRO? (PvE, PvP, or just catching cool pokemon) What is your favorite pokemon?
  2. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Monkzx 2. Number of hours played? 500 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Treecko 4. What country are you from? USA 5. How old are you? 20
  3. In-Game Name: Monkzx Discord Tag: Monk#7568 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord? Daily What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? Don't like having the player hosted events at the top I guess
  4. b u m p
  5. bo 310k by Hliasdomino auction open for 24 hours
  6. Don't worry bud, i'll help you :) Deino spawn - Meteor Falls b1f any specific time?
  7. Once you are in Hoenn you can trade immediately with others, they have to be Hoenn caught though. o okay thx, hadn't tried to trade yet because i just assumed you couldn't
  8. Offer! Can't trade just yet in Hoenn, but should be there by tonight/tomorrow.
  9. ya pretty much, should have included (rant) in title but w/e, and ye, even tho the shiny is bad its jut the principle behind it, u know? and I would be happy for him if he hadn't been taunting all of us for the past 3 years about his godlike luck o haha thx :D
  10. Me and about 4 rl friends used to play "another pokemon mmo game" like 2 or 3 years ago. With a combined total of like 500~ hours, only 1 of us ever saw a shiny. Our friend that saw it had played the least out of any of us, and he traded it away for some rly bad pokemon to some random person. We all hated him for it. Even after we all quit PokeMMO, we all still frequently brought up how he was the only one that got a shiny and how he gave it away like an idiot. About a year ago, a few of us got into PRO, but not the friend that had gotten the shiny. When we had finished most of the game, our shiny friend decided that he would make an account and play just so that he could get a shiny and piss us all off. So, he got on, and he farmed in the first grassy area for a shiny with his starting pokeballs. And you know what? He caught a fuCKING shiny. Within like 2 hours. We all HATED him. Shortly after that, we all stopped playing for a few months. Again, despite having quit, we still frequently brought up the shiny incident. Just yesterday, we found out that Hoenn was being released soon, so we decided to all get back into PRO. The shiny idiot friend joked that he would get on and get another shiny. And you know what? HE GOT ANOTHER MOTEHUFKCINDG SHINY. WITHIN AN HOUR OF PLAYING. IN THE SAME FUCKING FIRST GRASSY AREA. like what the FUCK? Is there a drastically improved shiny encounter rate in the first area? Does my friend have godlike luck? PLEASE EXPLAIN. I had taken a pic of the first time that he caught a shiny on PRO, but I can't find it now. But yea, there's the picture that I took like an hour ago from his share screen on skype. Notice that he has a total play time of 3 hours 23 minutes, and only 3 pokemon caught. 2 of which are shinies.
  11. Greetings [ref]Monkzx[/ref], you can read any updates/change logs here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4563 Hope it helped, see you around. Ye, I read through that, but it seemed like there were some changes made that weren't listed there (bosses being an example). Thanks for the response though :).
  12. PRO Username: Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message Hi, I used to play this game pretty frequently and enjoyed it quite a bit, but I got bored towards the end of last year. I believe I stopped playing around a week after the Halloween event. I just heard that Hoenn will be coming very soon, so I wanted to try to get back into PRO. I was just wondering if there was any sort of list of all the major gameplay/content updates because I want to try to get caught up and readjust to PRO before Hoenn comes. I looked through the official changelog and it looked like there hadn't been a whole lot added since I left, but I then looked through some discussion posts and it looked like there had been some important stuff not mentioned. But ya, just a brief little list of the main stuff added would be nice, really just need a starting point. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
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