I completely agree that the membership pokemon encounter rate is abysmal. I'm yet to see a single one, except for the one I encountered at the bottom of the Pokemon Tower where there's a bunch of them squeezed in between 99% encounter rates of Zubat, Rattata, and Ghastly. (That's the purpose of that area, anyway, so I'm glad I got to see at least ONE). I couldn't even catch it because all of my pokemon were too strong, and the pokes down there are like level 12, being one shot by near everything.
Other than that, I've seen absolutely none in encounters in the overworld. I'm not going to hold my breath.... I'm just going to be happy with my 50% xp boost and double pokedollars and leave it at that, because they seem to be embracing the hours and hours of grinding people are having to do to encounter one.