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Everything posted by Oli1

  1. Green leaf particle glitch <r>Hello everyone, I have read another post on this exact glitch however, I have chose to include a link to a video that I recorded to show that it isn't just to add to the atheistic of a certain area and is in fact a glitch. Furthermore the glitch persists everywhere I go it doesn't just happen at love island this happens absolutely everywhere. I understand this glitch isn't exactly game breaking however I do find that leaves falling from under me whilst I'm surfing on the sea is very un-immersive. Thank you for reading<br/> <br/> --------------------------------------------LINK TO VIDEO--------------------------------------------<br/> <URL url="https://youtu.be/b5QKuWGLCj8">https://youtu.be/b5QKuWGLCj8</URL></r>
  2. Hey everyone, I'm looking for someone who will trade evo my haunter for me, I will pay if neccesary :)
  3. Is there any way possible to get it? Or have I undoubtedly lost my shiny dratini
  4. I am pooing my pants rn i really dont wanna lose this shiny
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