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  1. Here are some pic of some of the trees and pokémon I found, Butterfree, Beedrill, Gligar, Fletchling and Bidoof
  2. Re: ✰ Headbutt Trees Location ! [sableye in Lavender Town !!!] ✰ <t>I got a Miracle Seed from a tree in route 35, I have no pic to back it, but I'm sure about it</t>
  3. Re: ✰ Headbutt Trees Location ! [More and more trees in Johto !!] ✰ <t>Bidoof Violet City<br/> Sentret/Sewaddle Route 30</t>
  4. Re: Christmas Event Part 1 <r><QUOTE author="Red"><s> </e></QUOTE><B><br/> <br/> I just caught 4 sneasels in cryofrost path and none of them had any item</B></r>
  5. Re: What this could be... <r>this means that everyone that has access to route 1 will be able to participate in the event? <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  6. Me too, and apparently a lot of people too. I've already closed the client and relogged but I'm still stucked. I was in the bottom part, in the sand zone of festival town and apparently from there I crossed to cementery island EDIT: I escaped using an escape rope
  7. I found these, I don't know if these have been reported before https://www.dropbox.com/s/be6v49mvbjmm0ld/Captura%20de%20pantalla%202015-10-11%2014.30.19.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/eyj9sedpwm6myag/Captura%20de%20pantalla%202015-10-11%2014.49.00.png?dl=0
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