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Posts posted by Ghostmaster

  1. Re: WTS epic Chandelure & Seedot


    <r><QUOTE author="davidroman2494"><s>

    </s>Chandelure Sold to Domee for 1m insta<e>

    Dan should have waited on it some XD with those iv and nature it was worth 2 mil easy XD once choice scarf is useable would make it super OP and price would go up even.higher then!</r>

  2. I have this issue sometimes, what helps me past it is I use a free vpn client like SoftEther VPN Client or sometimes when I completely close the game and run it as administrator it works properly and that message goes away.

  3. 163713
    163712 Hey guys I currently have all the requirements fulfilled in order to complete the celebi quest besides the 121 evolved req. I currently have 78 evolved and I have tried evolving 5 different pokemon now to raise that number up but it is not budging due to the fact I have already evolved those 5 pokes sometime ago in the past. I am not sure which ones I have already evolved and which ones I have not so far. Is there anyway of checking?


    thanks sincerely


    At the moment, we have no function for check it. Sorry for your inconvenience. Personally, I also want to have this feature and it also be recommend in suggestion. Hope it will be implement in the future.

    Ok thanks for quick response ^.^ I just feel like I been pointlessly leveling scrap pokemon all day just to get 0 evo's QQ

  4. Hey guys I currently have all the requirements fulfilled in order to complete the celebi quest besides the 121 evolved req. I currently have 78 evolved and I have tried evolving 5 different pokemon now to raise that number up but it is not budging due to the fact I have already evolved those 5 pokes sometime ago in the past. I am not sure which ones I have already evolved and which ones I have not so far. Is there anyway of checking?


    thanks sincerely


  5. 106233 Defence/HP


    Mt.Moon for Defence, Viridian Forest for HP


    [Make sure to train at Viridian Forest first, as Metapod and Kakuna give +2 Def EV's each, so you can train HP as well as defence, kill 2 birds with one stone] then for the remainder of Defence, go to Mt.Moon and kill Geodude/Onix/Sandshrew/Sandslash.

    I would say surfing in the little bit of water at celadon city is the best HP / DEF training spot. All their is day and night are grimer and koffing which drop nothing but those two stats.

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