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Everything posted by Ghostmaster

  1. Re: Best trevenant on server! <t>instant price lowered</t>
  2. Re: best Iron barbs PVP ferrothorn I have seen on the server <t>bump..</t>
  3. Re: 30+IV epic PVP pokes (FOR LEGIT BUYERS ONLY!) 4/25/16 <t>bump..</t>
  4. Re: 30+IV epic PVP pokes (FOR LEGIT BUYERS ONLY!) 4/25/16 <r><QUOTE author="BillyHarrington"><s> </e></QUOTE> your the highest bid, I am going out of town for two days but I will sell to you when I get back if no higher offers</r>
  5. I actually looked yesterday, there is no tutorial on Ho-Oh himself, he is just metioned in part 2 Celebi quest tutorial towards the end. It just says go to the top of the bell tower and Ho-Oh will be there after the scientist gives you the legendary dog fossil.
  6. Re: 30+IV epic PVP pokes (FOR LEGIT BUYERS ONLY!) 4/25/16 <t>2 sold pokemon, just updated with screenshots</t>
  7. Re: 30+IV epic PVP pokes (FOR LEGIT BUYERS ONLY!) 4/25/16 <t>bump XD</t>
  8. Re: Best trevenant on server! <t>feel free to offer in game as well</t>
  9. That's right, if you forget moonblast it won't be relearnable. Relearnable moves that your Pokémon already knows aren't listed in the move relearner. This might be why there's different moves in the move tutor? How I was aware move tutors worked is that they do not allow Pokémon to relearn past moves that they knew at one point, they allow pokemon to relearn lower level moves of that evolution. So regardless of whether they learnt the move as a clefairys, they would not be able to relearn it as a clefable. Thanks so much for clearing this all up you really helped! I guess my last question would be do different move re-learners teach your pokemon different moves, or are all the move re-learners the same throughout the game? I know the daycare guy teaches your pokemon egg moves but I wasn't sure if there are other move relearners such as him that might teach your pokemon pre-evolution moves and so on?
  10. Best trevenant I have seen on this server so far! (Got it during Halloween event) Sold yo Rollyourdice for 1.1mil
  11. Hey Ghostmaster. In all of the pokemon games, evolutions requiring stones typically only have a handfull of moves, Clefable in included as one of these. The reason Clefable cannot relearn cosmic power or moon blast is because it has a different learnset from clefairy and doesn't actually get these moves from levelling up as can be see in this bulbapedia link. I'm not sure whats up with Minimize as it should be able to get it from the move relearner. Yes you can get a lv35 move for a pokemon that spawned at lv54. Just take it to the move relearner like you normally would. You said "it seems all my pokemon work this way". Could you give some more examples please? Hello thanks alot for reply this kinda clears things up! So I would have to have clefiary relearn those moves before I evolved him into clefable? If so it sucks I messed that up with 30+IV pokes. Even if my Clefable already has moonblast, your saying if I forget it for another move it will no longer become relearn-able? Only reason I ask this is because both of my clefables have different moves they can learn from the Move tutor that the other cannot learn.
  12. PRO Username: GhostMaste Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message Hello! It seems all of my pokemon are not able to learn all of their old movesets. For example I just bought two 30+IV Clefables with magic guard. Neither of them can learn cosmic power or minimize from old move tutor or egg move tutor. One of them knows moonblast and the other cannot learn it. It seems all of my pokemon work this way. Is their a way to get a pokemon and guarantee it has the moves u need? Also is their a way you can learn say a level 35 move even if you caught that pokemon at level 54? Thanks for any advice!!
  13. Thanks guys! Saved me from buying one!
  14. I heard that the porygon you get from the cinnabar island lab quest has a 33% to be holding a choice scarf. I was just wondering if this item really is in the game yet and if so does it work or is it gliched? Thanks for any info!
  15. please stop spam bumping we all see it, someone will comment if they want to bid
  16. Re: Trade Sableye Frankster (Spychic And Fighting Killer) <t>no prankster :( and no one named frank :(</t>
  17. Re: Epic max IV PVP Gengar, Frosslass and gardevoir <r><QUOTE author="Bergilton"><s> </e></QUOTE><e></e></QUOTE> Hey I got on to make the trade but your offline, I should be on tomorrow around 8:00am to 10:00am EDT (eastern standard time) USA Ill let you know if another offer arises before then ^.^</r>
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