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  1. Try to catch a Content Scripter (CS) ingame and ask them. They might know more about your issue. Best regards Okay, thanks
  2. Try to catch a Content Scripter (CS) ingame and ask them. They might know more about your issue. Thank you for your support. Best regards
  3. Are you sure beat both 2 boss without disconnect or still have one not win yet? Because if you got disconnect, it count as loss Boss. Oh i see, after i defeated two bosses i got disconnected -_-! That explains. But if it was counted as a Lost, why the boss didn't show up again?
  4. I defeated two bosses and still got nothing lel /:)
  5. I haven't received anything after defeating this boss. And one more, the server keeps disconnecting even when my internet runs smoothly.
  6. sold...
  7. I dont rate but in my opinion, there are 4 things that i'd like to share with you ^^: 1st. Never evolve your pokemon to its highest evolution because the exp gap will be so large that you can not train it (unless you have many rare candies) 2nd. Magnezone should have Bold nature with hidden ability. The reason is that it traps the steel type pokemon ( the opponent cant switch the poke to fit your weakness) such as: skarmory and more. 3rd. The moveset of magnezone should be like this: magnet rise- flash cannon- thunder bolt/zap cannon- mirror coat. 4th. The EV train will be like this: 252 defense- 252 hp and 6 special attack
  8. Wtb scyther which has 25+ in attack, defense and special defense. The rest is whatever.
  9. i canceled my bid
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