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About Jano2740

  • Birthday 11/27/1987

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  1. Thank you very much for the information. Jano2740
  2. May I ask the reason? Just if it's not a problem. Jano2740.
  3. Is Double Team included in the game? What I mean is: Is this TM available to be bought? Thanks, Jano2740
  4. Re: Ingame BOSS [Added Nikola, Lance - Cerulean Cave] <t>thank you fro the information :D</t>
  5. Jano2740


    Re: Guild "América" (Idioma: Español) <r>Gracias por añadirme a su guild <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  6. Why the stones were removed?
  7. Jano2740


    Re: Guild "América" (Idioma: Español) <t>Quería preguntar si siguen activos.<br/> <br/> Alejandro.</t>
  8. Jano2740


    Re: Guild "América" (Idioma: Español) <t>Estimado, <br/> <br/> Mi nombre es Alejandro y me gustaría ser parte de su guild.<br/> <br/> Saludos cordiales, Jano2740</t>
  9. Hi guys, I want to buy Modest Abra (with synchronize of course). Thx.
  10. Re: EV Train Full list & EV share <t>Thx dude, I'm new and I really don't know how it works.</t>
  11. Re: The PRO Bible (WIP) <t>Thank you for this amazing "bible".</t>
  12. Sería genial el lenguaje a elección; pero al parecer o hay nada por ahora. Saludos.
  13. Hello everybody. I'm Jano2740. First time in a server. Hope everything works well. See you in-game.
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