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Reke123's Achievements



  1. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <t>Reke123<br/> ● Are you active in Discord? Yes, everyday at least 2 hours<br/> ● Where are you from? Morocco <br/> ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? 2 hours at least a day and more on weekends<br/> ● What's your goal in PRO? Collect pokemon and have fun<br/> ● Why do you want to be part of Reborn<br/> I feel like this guild is fun and full with nice people and I want to make more friends whom I share with different interests<br/> <br/> I am in Sinnoh<br/> Have more than 400 hours <br/> and I am 23 years old</t>
  2. Sold to Vasilarv
  3. bump :Grin:
  4. bump :Grin:
  5. bump :Grin:
  6. sp: 1.5m, insta: 2m
  7. Re: Laughing Coffin [Recruiting Red Server] <t>hello, i would like to join your guils<br/> 1: i have 400 hours of play <br/> 2: i can be active on discord and ingame<br/> 3: my goal is to be the very best and catch all pokemans :p <br/> 4: i would like to help others and this guild looks like the for me <br/> <br/> extra info: i like anime and manga, and reading books. and i would like to help those in need</t>
  8. Re: ✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ <t>Hello every one :)<br/> 1: 24h<br/> 2:i have 5 badges and on my way to get the 6th<br/> 3:To have fun and try to catch them all lool<br/> 4: because i love that the aim of the group is to help others, and since i myself need it :p <br/> 5: Yes</t>
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