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  1. Agreed easy to make anti-afk... Brought me on an expansion idea to counter this problem: the character only moves a certain amount of steps(like 16?). Now that I even think more about it, it becomes difficult to make a one tile move..
  2. The movement system PRO currently has is the best I have ever seen on touchscreen since. There was once a time my character kept on moving in the direction after I stopped holding(some kind of a one-time bug, couldnt reproduce it), but it actually felt good. So I got this idea... Basically, swipe once in a direction and the character keeps moving in that direction untill either: - swiped again to a direction, which changes the direction the character moves in. - or tapped once on the screen, which makes the character stop movement(so quick touch on screen without swiping should make the character always stop movement) Pros: Probably performance increase? + less power consumption on smartphones?(not sure) Relaxed gameplay. We become more willing to move because the time consumed by movement is felt less than it actually is. Cons: - Easy to use this as anti-afk, solution: maybe limit the number of steps the character moves with a swipe. - Becomes difficult to make 1-tile-movements maybe, basically less precise movement(like we start missing the right turn for the door to pokecenter), I think this needs testing to confirm.
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