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  1. it worked thanks
  2. Back after a long break and i merged my blue accountt with silver but now i cannot login. why is that? please help
  3. i think a battle arena with different classes would be good. I would like to battle with my lower leveled pokemon instead of being forced to do pvp with try hards all day.
  4. yea that sucks. Invest all that time you cant get back for a subpar pokemon. That's a problem.
  5. ahhhhh where do we begin. its easier to level up pokemon that haven't evolved. example: you can get a dratini to level 100 faster than you can a level 100 dragonair but you can get a level 100 dragonair faster than you can a level 100 dragonite. there are no running shoes yet......it costs 75,000 to get a bike BUT you prolly wont have the funds to get a bike till you get to johto or maybe kanto elite 4 there is a daycare system but m not too sure how it works in PRO Pokémon stats haven't changed but there are a lot of moves missing due to them not being coded in the game....they will eventually be in the game though. The maps are pretty much identical to the standard games but some objectives are a little different. Id advise you to check out the game guide forums and look at the walkthroughs.
  6. English please Already english boi maybe u need to get a few courses ;) boi? English??
  7. again....whether u can release them or not you still have to catch 100 plus pokemon you will never use....there is no way around it no matter how many times you try to sugarcoat it...but you can stop trying unless you want to keep digging yourself in a hole. Ill gladly watch you. Reading must not be your strong suit. I enjoy the game but not that particular PART of the game therefore THAT is time consuming IMO. Again you can try and sugarcoat it any which way you want to.....Ill gladly watch you.
  8. Though again, I'd assume Mew is there more for completionist's sake; The reason why you'd want to fill the pokédex in the first place. Yea I agree I think that's why mew is there but it sort of punishes those who aren't " completionists" but would really like to have mew. I would like to have my skill tested than have to do some chore to get a pokemon I really like. The time it would take to get every kanto pokemon I could prolly beat every region (kanto,johto,hoenn) at least twice...all badges,all elite four included.
  9. Other than the evolution requirement I actually thought the requirements for Mew were very fitting. Seeing as filling the pokédex is one of the main things to do in a standard pokémon game, with your reward for catching all the Kanto pokémon is getting the opportunity to catch the iconic Kanto legendary. It's not like many people would want to use Mew in competitive anyway as the chances of getting a decent Mew (random IVs, random nature) are so slim it's not worth the effort in that regard. This is where I disagree. How could filling the pokedex been one of the main things to do in the standard pokemon games when IF you had no friends or lived in a rural area you had to buy both versions of the game to "CATCH THEM ALL" and then you would essentially need an extra game boy/ds to trade between the two.Like I said in my previous post I always found it comical when people played the standard pokemon games like it was the TV series. There was no reward or benefit from having all the pokemon in GEN 1 if I remember correctly.....now with that being said I do remember there being requirements for you to get certain items for example I think in order to get EXP SHARE you had to have a certain amount of pokemon but it wasn't something that was absurd and to be honest EXP SHARE wasn't all that great to begin with. I do understand where you are coming from when you mention about catching all kanto pokemon in order to see mew or whatever but again is it really necessary?? Id rather have an absurd amount of battles thrown at me with some of the strongest pokemon in the universe, a deep dark cave, have a certain amount of badges,have my pokemon be a certain type of level just to make it through THAN having to literally go and catch 100 plus pokemon I'm NEVER gonna use. You literally have to do that now just to find competitive pokes for PVP (which im fine with) but having to go and catch EVERY pokemon in a certain region is just a little too much IMO.
  10. I can already imagine players getting level 100s within minutes when their friends make them teams of useless Blisseys to grind on (this strategy is already used in ORAS with secret bases full of useless Lv 100 Blisseys.) So someone spent a bit of extra time to achieve the same goal with zero extra required skill and that alone should invalidate people's feedback towards a game? Nice to know this friend of yours enjoys mindlessly repeating the same action for hundreds of hours on end and then refusing to support the people who allowed his fun to be possible. :Cry: My point is that anyone should be able to play this game without "extra help" if they tried hard enough instead of complaining. And last time i checked, people are not obliged to pay for something if they don't want to / cannot afford. I don't see anybody complaining. I see constructive criticism. I need you to learn the difference between the two. I agree with OP....some of the grinds/quests are just absurd. With that being said I didn't have a problem with the level 80 rattata ( actually found that to be quite easy if you teach it thunderbolt). I understand you want to make the game difficult but its a fine line between difficulty and time consuming. I understand you not wanting everyone to have Mew or any other legendary poke but lets just be honest......everything you have to do to get Mew is a little overboard. Make me have to beat like 6 of the best trainers and maybe get through a few mazes without healing my pokes or something that relies more on the SKILL of the player.I have been playing pokemon games since their inception ( RED/BLUE) and I always found it quite comical when people thought or assumed the purpose of the pokemon games were to catch EVERY poke or attempt to. I understand that this isn't a traditional poke game but that doesn't mean it has to demand you to catch/evolve a certain amount of pokemon to complete an objective. I just wish certain things in PRO was more suited for the SKILL of a player than how much time the player can invest. Catching 200 plus pokemon that ill NEVER use just bores me. With that being said this is still a very good game and I enjoy it. There isn't anything better than this but it does have a lot of room for improvement.
  11. Ohhhh thanks. I feel dumb. Thanks for your help
  12. Is there a certain level? Because i have the dusk stone on it. Max happiness as well.
  13. Does anybody know how? Sorry if its been mentioned previously
  14. You're going the wrong way lol There are a few ladders and like a tunnel you have to walk through in order to reach the end :y: Oh ok. Thank you
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