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  1. Lyons02

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1. Krionus 2. 470 hrs total (split between 2 accounts) 3. Gyarados 4. Hunting, PVE, PVP, and EV Training. 5. 29
  2. My bad on the post title, i meant to say "map bug" meaning the load screen issue. And ill try again tomorrow thank you.
  3. The Live support told me it is usually about 2 days for server restarts. The status checker said blue/red have been on for about 20 hours. I'm not certain but it seems like were stuck for a day or so... Any assistance or an answer from an admin would be great.
  4. Talked to live support and they told me I had to wait for complete server restart and that nothing could be done. If this is true, is there a way to go about refunding coins. Buying them, then being constantly locked out or kicked out is not really fair...
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