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Overkollo's Achievements



  1. Start: 300k 24 Hours ______________________________ Start: 200k 24 Hours
  2. Re: wts adamant h.a 20+ivs Tyrogue <t>350k.</t>
  3. I need a Togepi with ability serene grace Only Kanto/Johto I prefer a togepi with 0 Evs and good IVs in all stats
  4. Re: WTS Dusknoir, Chansey, Weavile, Gyarados!! <t>600k dusknoir</t>
  5. Re: WTS Dusknoir, Chansey, Weavile, Gyarados!! <t>400k dusknoir</t>
  6. Re: Epic Anticipation Bold Eevee <t>600k<br/> there is insta?</t>
  7. I have a greninja, but H.A. Protean doesn't work Same problem with the move "substitute"
  8. I always check, even if it is 5k.. how did u not control a trade with all those pkmn and 50k... i hope for u that u have a screen mate
  9. wtb dusclops
  10. Re: WTS SHINY DRAGONAIR + 3 EPIC PKMN <t>20 hrs left</t>
  11. I want to sell this ultrarare shiny dragonair, only pokedollars current offer : 5.5mln ends in 48h contact Raiderskz in game I want to sell this 3 pokemons too, to the best offer in 48 hours max 1. 2. 3.
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