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Nexxamu's Achievements



  1. Scyther Adamant + Technician (31def-31speed-24hp) <--- sold Scyther Adamant + Technician (30def-31hp) Buizel Naive + Swift Swim (30spd) (S) Mini-Shrek Pickup + Mild < - - -Ye, iknow the natu sucks, but shiny teddiursa it's a shiny teddiursa.. Cyndaquil Blaze - Hasty (23spd-24spatt) Tauros Adamant + Intimidate Sneasel Jolly - Inner Focus 1. Accept pokedollars and MS. 2. Comment your offers and your name ingame. 3. I'll start the bidding if i meet a good offer. Gl.
  2. I will sell when satisfied by the offer. b/o 100k jayjay182, 2h remaining . . .
  3. Laprass Shell Armor Calm https://prntscr.com/98zjvg Good spheal Adamant Thick Fat https://prntscr.com/98zk63 Bergmite Ice Body Serious https://prntscr.com/98zkkt Snorunt Moody Rash ttp://prntscr.com/98zkub Snorunt Ice Body Lax https://prntscr.com/98zkyr Snorunt Inner Focus Impish https://prntscr.com/98zl36 I'll be back in a few hours.. do your offers.
  4. WTS Shiny teddiursa https://prntscr.com/98j56t Starting bet 50k . . . Looking for more . . . Auction ends in 20h. . . (gotta sleep) Good Luck all . . .
  6. Yea, do u remember me? i'm the same guy from the last time.. Good kicked AGAIN from the e4 against Lance cuz the server shutdown.. good job GM's, really... Good job. I won't get any potion, i won't pass this shitty e4 and U aren't going to do anything about it to help me getting my shit back.. I really was enjoying this game till this, but twice is enough.. Seriously guys.. Good job, I'm out.
  7. I'm fine even if u don't refund me those potions, the trully think that hurts it's those 24h.. Well, if u can't do anything about it fine.. Feel free to close this post.
  8. Aside from maintenance, in which we give a warning 10 minutes prior that the server is going to be resetted. Its impossible to detect a server crash, hence why we cannot give a proper warning or announcement. Unfortunately yes, you will have to wait for 24 hours and potions if you have already used them. I'm affraid they cannot be refunded. That's not fair at all, just wasted 10 max potions there..
  9. I was battling against Bruno and the server shutdown.. Do i need to wait another day to start over ? and i'm going to lose all the potions that i used against the first one?.. Please help.
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