You might get a little more help on this thread if you post it on the Yellow Server Price Checker forum. This forum is more dedicated to selling of pokemon more than price checking.
Server is just currently down right now man. Nothing on your end just server issues. this is a link for server statuses, suggest you bookmark it for future instances of server issues.
Wow, haha I'm just giving estimates on what I would buy them for given the sets and the nature/ability/IVs/EVs you're presenting, if people are seriously selling these things for 1m+ that's hilarious and more power to you guys. The people buying these literally have no idea what's good or bad in this game then lol. More power to you.
Inner Focus is the preferred set to be honest, but the nature and IV's are okay to boot. I wouldn't competitively buy this pokemon by any means but for pokedex or story mode I would possibly buy this for maybe 25-30k. I almost would question that though, the ATK IV's are great but the speed it's such a competitive tier anymore that anything less that 30 is just not worth. But 25k-30k sure.
Amazing Pokemon! Unfortunately that Ability is a deal breaker to a competitive persons' perspective. Natural Cure is just too OP, and having serene grace on this pokemon you're almost forced to make it an offensive set with hax'ish moves to take advantage of the ability. Great IV's and depending on whether or not you've EV trained it potentially a great collection to anyones arsenal of 6 mons as a celeric, but without Natural Cure you're losing out. I wouldn't pay 300k for this just for that reason. But good luck on potential buyers friend!
As of last night I saw the price jump from 10k to 12k on sync mons, usually depending on the nature that comes with it though. More dominant natures; Adamant, Calm, Jolly, Timid sell for a bit more vice, Careful, Relaxed, Quiet... etc
Yeah unfortunately this Pokemon's worth isn't going to be a whole lot. Sure you have great IVs in HP and decent in SPATK and SPDEF as well as a good Nature but that's only going to get you so far with a mon that relies heavily on it's ability in game. Be lucky to get 5-10k out of it maybe 15k just off of nature and IVs. GLHF
Love the Adamant nature but the ability is going to cut this price substantially due to the fact it's not Multiscale which is Dragonite's Hidden Ability H.A. For story mode this pokemon can tear it up but for competitive it wouldn't go for much. I wouldn't spend more than 50k for it story mode wise (good nature and some decent IV's/ EV trained) but competitively I wouldn't buy it at all.
Nice Snorlax, great IV's as well especially in SPDEF. The nature isn't the best and when buying/selling pokemon you should always be looking at the Nature and the ability. Careful would be the optimal nature you're going for on a Snorlax to take advantage of his natural bulk. With Bold you're cutting his ATK which, Snorlax is an attacking mon so it makes him pretty useless with a negative nature towards his attack. Nonetheless to sum it up for story mode I would buy it for maybe 25k-35k. Competitively I wouldn't buy it due to the negative nature.