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Everything posted by Goldenkid

  1. Auction over congrats bro!
  2. Alright that count as 23m offer last 3h and 23min!
  3. Last 14h and 44min!
  4. Time is over congratulations you won bro! And thanks to all bidder
  5. Last minute
  6. Last 1h and 38min!
  7. 24h From. Now!
  8. Can be closed sold
  9. Sad to see u quit, hope u come back one day best French hunter!
  10. Hello I am selling my shiny baboarch Only insta 1m Good luck!
  11. .osha Imma start this :p
  12. Isn't lukoz the winner? I think some mod should check this auction
  13. Server trasnfer Username goldenkid Server to charge money silver Mean server silver to gold
  14. Serpioir sold ingame too
  15. Medichan sold ingame
  16. Sure I will also contact you soon as possible when I am online!
  17. Sure jeisson5 auction started from ur bid Tasyaberlian9 I will try to contact you when I am at home!
  18. Altaria sold ingame
  19. ( I accept gold Server money/pokemon too)
  20. Deals done can be closed!
  21. Server transfer Name goldenkid Server to charge money gold From gold to silver
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