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Everything posted by Karambooo

  1. Re: Houndour Shniy Top <t>damnn to late >.<</t>
  2. Re: Xmas Ralts <t>i start bid</t>
  3. Re: WTS Shiny Hippopotas <t>3.2m my Next offer :D</t>
  4. Re: WTS Shiny Hippopotas <t>2.5m my offer</t>
  5. Re: Shiny Pikachu (good ivs) <t>3m ;)</t>
  6. Re: Shiny Pikachu (good ivs) <t>i start 2m</t>
  7. pm me i wanna buy it :P
  8. 1,5m my offer
  9. what is the start offer?
  10. Re: WTS Shiny Lapras <t>I start with 6m offer</t>
  11. ggg :banned: :etc:
  12. my offer is 8m
  13. My offer is 10m :P
  14. Hey can i start bid with 100k maybe?
  15. Welcome Dude ^^
  16. Hey Buddy, nice Shiny *_* could u add me? i think i can make u a good offer :P
  17. Damnnnnn bro... thats really hard to read this.... I wish you the best in your life <3
  18. I would recommend DarkosNoyz to anyone. Process was very easy. Traded pokes, he trained my Poke: - larvitar: 252 def/ 252 hp - larvitar 252 def/252 hp - nidoran m: 252 speed / 252 spatk for me and after train he got my money. This was very helpful and worth the price. Thanks a lot Bro <3
  19. Hollllyyyy o.O looks awesome
  20. Hey Hey have u an insta price for it?
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