Hello there, my name is Masqueradeball, let's make the game a little bit more positive, one act at a time!
I started when the game was only a demo area of Pewter, with some grass and Brock.
I fell in love with the game and have been playing it ever since, on and off, of course.
I have much of what I strove for, back in the day and don't derive enjoyment from the PvE (as much) nor the PvP (never have).
I wish to keep the game going strong by providing a positive first/second/third impression to new players of the game.
With the limited time I have these days, I offer a new player benefit that gets one of their stage 1 mons to 80, or 98 if a Magikarp, for free.
If you wish to use this service, and you meet the requirements (less than 70 hours of playtime and 4+ Kanto badges), find me in-game and pm me.
If you wish to critique my offerings and suggest ways to make it better, please do leave them below in the form of a reply to this thread!
In-case you are someone that looks for evil intent in a good act, I urge you to actually watch a bit of these YouTube videos to see me helping new players, for yourself! (More of these soon)