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  1. Can we count on adding a map of Sinnoh? Or repairing any moves? I don't remember that at least one of the broken moves was repaired from the start.
  2. After you talk to the "NPC" pokemon, the encounter starts with a real pok, which you can catch. And it looks like Synchronize works. https://imgur.com/a/kUQJs
  3. "Compound eyes" ability in PRO works only for accuracy. It does not increase the probability of items. "Frisk" ability works good. "Thief" move steals only if your pokemon does not hold items. Otherwise, it just kills the other pokemon.
  4. IGN: Eezar Yellow server, Russia proof of sharing: Never had nintendo. Played only on emulators.
  5. Have 10 rare candy for sale on kanto. 10k each or 90k for all.
  6. I'm stuck too - in Lavender pokecenter
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