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Everything posted by Dubstepshark

  1. 250k, add me ingame (Dubstepshark) and if im not online just pm me here.
  2. Re: Memoire [international guild] all servers! <t>Hey, you guys expanded to Yellow too right ? :)<br/> <br/> 1. How many hours of gameplay do you have?<br/> 69:13 min.<br/> 2. Tell us a little about yourself.<br/> I'm a Brazilian Esports Tournament Admin and Analyst... so i can't play a lot everyday, but i will be around, i really like pokemon :3<br/> 3. Are you able to visit Discord?<br/> I'm always online on Discord when i'm awake, it's part of my job.<br/> 4. Are you going to be online daily?<br/> On Discord ? Yes. On PRO ? Not EVERY day, but most of the week i will be playing for some time each day<br/> 5. What do you look for in a guild?<br/> A calm and friendly guild.<br/> 6. Are you a PvE or a PvP type of person?<br/> Mostly PvE, i don't play a lot of PvP in games i'm not training/learning but i like to try some stuff now and then :)</t>
  3. Hey, i want to join too :devil: IGN : Dubstepshark I'm currently getting some EV's to beat Kanto's Elite 4
  4. Comparing to graphic in my lap It look very different. Did you update your driver card and also try to reinstall DirecX. Hope it can help you. Well i did both things first my graphic card drivers cant be updated any further second it says i already have directX11 so i guess i cant fix it Thanks anyways EDIT: i checked my driver settings, and i had checked the option to prefer performance over quality, and it worked , thanks to fix it i changed the slider to the other side , just in case someone has the same problem I recently did the same thing in my configuration lol. Thanks for sharing the solution :)
  5. I remember getting items with covet some days ago '-'
  6. I think it's a good idea and it should be something to think about implementing. Even with this amount of players, most of the ones that play ranked would also play one or more of the other queues and it's a feature that can end up bringing more players to the game too. I can't bring my "weak" mons to fight Titans D:
  7. That's something really hard to happen xD, but yeah, maybe. I'm very familiar with pokemon, i played the first ones with an old gameboy when i was a kid and i've been playing the new ones one after another, until X Y came and i had no money to get a 3DS. Now i got one, but it's wiser to wait for Sun & Moon. I did check some guides to know what's different around here and i have no problem in asking when i get problems xD. Thanks guys :Grin:
  8. Re: RUKittenMe (Yellow Server Recruiting) <r>Hi, i'm a new player, but i pretend to be around until Sun & Moon release. I don't have a fixed play time due to my jobs... the 3 of them lol, but i would like a lot to enjoy my stay with a guild and help with what i can <E>:Grin:</E> IGN : Dubstepshark</r>
  9. Hi ! I don't think there's a really good reason to post this, but i had the time to do so, so why not ? My nick is DubstepSharK, i'm a brazilian E-sports Tournament Admin and Analyst and i was looking for something to play in my free time while Pokemon Sun & Moon aren't available. This looks like a good one to me. Competitive, active community and staff, getting updates, gives the almost the same feeling of playing an original game on a handheld :Grin: I will be around until Sun & Moon launches, playing on Yellow Server, if someone wants to add me :Shy:
  10. Hi, someone probably said something like this already but i will make this post anyway :Grin: With almost every pokemon allowed to participate in ranked teams, the weak/low tier ones will never have a chance to be used in a serious team. I believe that different ranked ladders would be great for these pokemons. Example : Open (What we have right now), T2 (Only "tier 2" pokemons and below) T3 (Only "tier 3" pokemons and below). Something like Smogon tiers... i'm not sure if anyone can use them but i think it's worth to think about it. :thanks: For reading !
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