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  1. So i bought lvl up service but the buyer doesnt have hoen unlocked and now the pokemon is locked on his pc he knows about it but he cant trade because its locked i really need help . The id from the rottom is there on the 3rd picture plz i need help :O ( i´m from silver and my name is Messpotter2001).
  2. [bGCOLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)]C.O is finished[/bGCOLOR]
  3. Yeah but that was before the b.o i started a b.o
  4. [bGCOLOR=#222222] [bGCOLOR=#222222][/bGCOLOR] [bGCOLOR=#222222]C.o is 4.5m* bro[/bGCOLOR]
  5. Offer here or ingame. Nick: Messpotter2001 Also Discord : Messpotter#8276 c.o SideEffect 5m /Insta: 10m/ (Min raise 500k) 10 min left if you want a different ev spread just tell me.
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