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  1. Thanks, might wait a bit then till i have more money i'm willing to waste to find one. I imagine i'd need some really good stuff to convince someone to trade me a Bulbasaur? Dunno if it'd cost me more to buy one from someone or to farm for it lol.
  2. So i'm in kanto at the moment, i have a level 80 Charizard and level 80 Vaporeon but i have zero grass Pokemon, and the only ones i can find i don't like. I know that Bulbasaur is a rare spawn in Safari Area 2, but how rare is "rare" in this case? Should i be able to get it after a few times (buying into the safari) or will it take potentially dozens of try's? I just spent 20 minutes in there, and according to the guide below, of the Pokemon i saw - 78 were common, 6 were uncommon and 1 was sparse. Didn't see a single "rare" Pokemon at all. (taking that from here ---> https://pokemonrevolutiononlineguide.jimdo.com/ ) I really want a Bulbasaur because he's my favorite Pokemon after charizard, but not if it takes me hours and costs tens of thousands. So does anyone have experience tring to catch him? How long did it take you to finally see him. Thanks for any input.
  3. Ah okay, well i'm still in kanto so i imagine i won't be there for a while lol. Thanks.
  4. So i have pretty much every type of Pokemon now, but i can't find any grass type Pokemon that i like, so i want to just evolve Eevee into Leafeon. When I've googled how to do this though, all i find are threads from 2015 saying it isn't in this game yet. Asked the help tab and got no answers there either. So is it in the game now? If so where do i go to do it. Thanks.
  5. Okay thanks, this is the first time I've played Pokemon so i didn't know this existed. Still a bit annoying though lol.
  6. So the PRO yellow server went down when i was in the middle of learning a high level move, just after getting the soul badge. I was deciding which move to forget when the server decided to rip. Am i screwed if i wanted to learn that move? Or will i just get the choice when the server is back up again? Not too big a deal really, but still quite frustrating as you can imagine.
  7. I'm stuck too. Really frustrating because i only found this game yesterday, and now it doesn't work anymore.
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