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Posts posted by Lunaryui

  1. Item that use for stategy pvp battle

    Name of item - where the item can be found

    destiny knot - can be found some ghost type or psychic pkm or some certain npc,quest

    eject button - can be found some dark or steel type pkm or some certain npc, quest

    shed bell - the same with eject button or some certain npc,quest

    Item that help evole pkm or increase stat

    protector- can be found on rhyhorn or some steel pkm

    wise glass- havent think about it yet

    cell battery- can be found on electric type pkm

    item that increase physical attk move i cant remember the name(opposite with wise glass) - can be found by doing quest or dig

    But i think the best thing is u guys should add some more mega stone :3

    And 1 more thing i would like it have in the game : a npc for daily random quest and random prize(1k-20k poke$,berry, or some rare pokemon or high ivs pkm, or item, or megastone or a godly ivs pkm x5 30 ivs maybe:3)

  2. Dear Gm im very angry right now cause the sv offline with out a notice, i jst buy alot of berry it took almost 100k from me but when i use those berry the sv go offline and roll back everything except my money and those berry but it dont roll back the EV stat i work so hard for that money and boom i lost all of it with out a right reason , so i make this topic to asking u roll back all of my berry or my money

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