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  1. Thanks for clarifying guys. I just wanted to be sure I can do something like that, didn't know if multiboxing or playing two accounts at once was prohibited, don't wanna taste the ban hammer for nothing :P
  2. Heya! I got a question for staff people (or maybe members who would know the answer): If I happen to have a desktop computer and a laptop in my house, can I use them to login on two accounts? At least for trading evolutions purposes or stuff like that. Note: I've searched for a topic like this and didn't find anything similar, also read all the rules and I saw a line that problably talks about it but I'm not quite sure since I didn't fully understand what "proxy" means. ("2. You are permitted to have 2 accounts per email address and up to 4 per person. We do not offer support for proxy cases. If you are found linked with someone via proxy you will be banned if a ban issued is an IP ban.") Sorry if it was too obvious but I just wanna make sure :P
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