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About Luigilouis

  • Birthday 08/13/2000

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  1. Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update1 <r><QUOTE author="leandruskis"><s> </e></QUOTE> it is just remember who gave a suggestion on it lol</r>
  2. Where is your source for this news?
  3. Yes because i hear mew available for a while now but no one has it no,its not avalible, 1 of its requirment cant be fulfiled yet -that's seen data of mewtwo, as cerulean cave isnt opened yet it cant be fulfiled Oh i thought it was
  4. For sure shadowskill it is sponsored by Rare hunter guild and everyone can share there poke for sale 2 days and it will be ready and guild will announce.. Just looking for more.. I am soo glad this is going to become a reality. I mean what sense it makes if we are searching for rare pokemon and just keep the ones we dont want in the PC when we could just send them to get sold in our own shop
  5. I know it will be available but the requirements will have to be hard so that legendaries stay legendaries in terms of how hard to get them and how rare. it will prob be a long quest Yes because i hear mew available for a while now but no one has it
  6. articuno isnt catchable for now, but as its overall base is below 600 group, there is a possibility that it will be avalible in future in some other way, maybe in costum reigon I know it will be available but the requirements will have to be hard so that legendaries stay legendaries in terms of how hard to get them and how rare.
  7. Articuno is pretty obvious wh you cant catch it. Imagine if articuno was available to catch like that then everyone will have one therefores it loses it value as a legendary
  8. I was Plating Pokemon heartgold on my DS to kill time until server back up then it hit me. PHOTOS!!! In Pokemon HGSS you could have taken photos and save them to remember how far you have come. I know we could just screenshot it and save it but i dont mean like that i mean that you can take a photo in game with all your party Pokemon and have them saved on the game and you could show the to a friend or something like that THIS IS NOT A VERY IMPORTANT UPDATE BUT IF IT WAS TO HAPPEN MANY PLAYERS WILL LOVE IT!!!!!! :Exclam: :Exclam:
  9. Hi. I also hate when people call me too old for Pokemon ( I am 15 btw) and when I try to explain Pokemon it is one of the biggest game franchise ever they say only kids play it and it gets me sick. But hope you enjoy pro and good luck some serious gaming days are upon you.
  10. Ok recently I have noticed a very big problem that needs a fix. I am a rare hunter so that would mean I would have plenty of Pokemon in my Pokèbox and when ever I go to find a Pokemon I usually have to search all 8 of my boxes( I currently have 8 boxes of Pokemon in my Pokèbox) This is my suggestion. Have a search menu( a normal search bar) and you can put the name of the Pokemon But then an advanced search menu It will have a lvl limit (for example 1-20,21-40,41-60,61-80,81-100) You can search for them by nature( Adamant,Timid,Modest etc...) There type (Fire,Water,Grass) If you are OT( Original Tranier) These are just a few maybe you can add more options but this will be a much appreciated update.
  11. hi i love making jokes too so looking forward to make some together while catching pokemon
  12. just do alotof battling. NOT PvP
  13. I kind of agree with this idea cause when i have a pidgey i cant train it if it is not female cause i had one that i named Lucy. But you still have to remember the pokemon that have certain abilities regarding gender like evolution to a certian gender for example Kirilia. So i say let gender changer happen with pokemon that gender does not make a difference
  14. I kind of agree with this idea cause when i have a pidgey i cant train it if it is not female cause i had one that i named Lucy. But you still have to remember the pokemon that have certain abilities regarding gender like evolution to a certian gender for example Kirilia. So i say let gender changer happen with pokemon that gender does not make a difference
  15. Applying To Guide. I Currently have 106 Play Hours And i mainly play every evening around 8 o'clock EST. My game name is Luigilouis. The reason i will like to join this Guide is because i love rare Pokemon and like to hunt them but most of the time i have no motivation and joining this guide will be that much needed motivation. Recruited by TrainerAlpha.
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