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Everything posted by Lagco

  1. Talonflame 550k Greninja 150k Jolteon 500k Magmortar 150k
  2. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse [New Pokemon Added 08/07] <t>WTB foongus, 150k</t>
  3. 250k for this
  4. Re: Khanum's Dungeon [NEW ADDITIONS! 8/18/16!] <t>Mr. Mime 300k</t>
  5. Re: Shabrina's Shop ~ <t>Metagross and lucario 350k bid!</t>
  6. Re: Dohko's Shack - great h.a. breloom lv100 <t>250k breloom</t>
  7. Re: Blackburn009's Shop - Good Pokemon - Timid hp fire magnezone, 30 spd 30 spatk 130k b.o. <t>200k talonfalme</t>
  8. Re: Johnarious PvP pokemon store. Get your Pokes here and ladder :) <t>180k venusaur</t>
  9. Re: Johnarious PvP pokemon store. Get your Pokes here and ladder :) <t>Would also like to start the bid on cloyster :)</t>
  10. Re: 616049195's Shop PvP PvE Updated <t>Garchomp 400k, Breloom 400k, Staraptor 400k</t>
  11. Re: Johnarious PvP pokemon store. Get your Pokes here and ladder :) <t>Would like to start bid on crobat, venasaur, yanmega, and slowbro.</t>
  12. Much apology on the scizor, I have already traded one in game. Sorry for any inconvenience caused
  13. Re: Wts <t>Much apology I would like to withdraw the offer as I bought one a few hours ago. Sorry for the inconvenience caused</t>
  14. Adament technician scizor 400k
  15. Re: Wts <t>Cloyster 300k</t>
  16. Re: Only competitive pokemons shop <t>Level 15 fletchling gale wings adamant, how much insta?</t>
  17. Re: ♚♚ Golden Empire Daycare ♚♚ OPEN - Recruiting <t>Hi, how much would a chansey cost from 70-95? And how long will it take?</t>
  18. Hello everyone :Cool: I am new to the community and overall new to the game. After hours of doing research and watching tutorial, I finally passed johto elite 4. At the moment, I want to try out playing pvp in the game, but I dont know much about team comps and strategy. Therefore I want to start with my very first pokemon pvp team, and would love some starter advice. I currently have a bold natural cure blissey, bold own tempo slowpoke at level 99 thinking wether to evolve to slowbro or slowking, adament inner focus dragonite, and a adament huge power azurmaril. Are these four fit to be in the same team? Do they sync well? If yes, what are the remaining members that I should try to catch for the team? If they dont sync, what team comp should I build to start my pvp journey? I understand there are lots of ways to play pvp, but I will appreciate it if someone can give me some pointers and tips on strats+ team building :Shy: Thank you all in advance :thanks:
  19. Re: WTS ada moxie <Gyrado>, <Magnezone>, and <Chansey> <r>BUMP <E>:Exclam:</E> <E>:Exclam:</E> <E>:Exclam:</E></r>
  20. Delete pls
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