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Everything posted by Rysborn

  1. I know this is one of the pokemon that should evolve with a specific move that can evolve after reaching level 100, but I've been fighting stuff for the last hour or so and it's not evolving. In-game name: Rysborn Server: Silver Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 29248513 Could someone lend a hand, or should this go into bugs? I saw a thread in general bugs about Piloswine not evolving there too. Also, I don't know why I'm suspended, I think it was inactivity perhaps? I was never told.
  2. What's your Player name (IGN)? Rysborn Number of hours played? 500 something on Silver, been wanting to start on Gold as well What's your favourite Pokemon? Probably Gardevoir, but there are so many good ones it keeps changing every time you ask What country are you from? Netherlands How old are you? Young enough and not a day older, it's a sensitive subject [bGCOLOR=rgb(209, 213, 216)](I'm 26)[/bGCOLOR] Which server do you play on? See previous answers somewhere up there ^
  3. Was wondering what it'd be worth
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