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Everything posted by Joence

  1. 1admin said before that we cant get it as starter if wild johto/kanto starters are impossible the only shiny starter we can get in wild for now are froakie and piplup
  2. i mean i have 600hrs already but never seen one johto/kanto shiny starter i know players cant get a shiny through prof oak , feels like we cant get it in wild too there are always charmander hunters everyday , theres no reason not to link it once in chat if someone get one and still none? the rarity+shiny chances doesnt matter because there are scyther riolu shinx ralts tyranitar bagon dratini snorlax Jolteon ingame also shiny froakie and fennekin if im not wrong ( those 2 are not starter poke yet which if my ) i really want to know if we can get it in wild
  3. can you remove the youtube link, players are getting ideas and is it safe to buy MS now my ms is expiring soon
  4. one step away from pay 2 win
  5. they said budew can beat him at any level you can try this Charmander level 17 with Dragon Rage or get the Dragon Rage TM at Viridian Maze heres the link to Maze Map https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6797
  6. offer Timid any iv or +speed nature
  7. 150k~170k is enough the increase in price only affects rich and experience players the one who already own or used it before how about new players? grinding 250k~500k takes a month (lets not discuss hardcore grinders here) i beat kanto & johto without ms it took me like 2weeks and since the ms price was 150k i decided to a bike first and that 70k came from selling rare candies
  8. Gothita Shadow Tag poor stats Gothita Competetive goood IV modest accepting poke trades also
  9. imustspamsomewords
  10. i get a lot of random items from my frisk poke some of the items dont have descriptions like Black Sludge but working
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