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  1. Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update1 <t>600k for Scizor</t>
  2. Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update1 <t>500k Scizor</t>
  3. Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update1 <t>400k Scizor</t>
  4. Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update1 <t>200k scizor</t>
  5. Golden Rod train Station, pay 5k to enter inner station then talk to npc and he asks you if you want to go to Trainer Valley for 10k (or Saffron, as usual). I don't know if it works in Saffron too.
  6. When server comes back online contact me :)
  7. There's no way to get items backs due to crashes or rollbacks. However, you can find leftovers in dig cracks too, don't worry :) (and there are people who sell them too)
  8. Great map, thanks :D
  9. Re: Bellas Poké Pound: Durant 3x30 1x31 Ends today. <t>I offer 100k for Staryu Lv.16 Sp.Atk 29 (First on the second row)<br/> <br/> I offer 90k for Lapras Lv.15 Sp.Def 27(Second on the first row)</t>
  10. cant find u in game at all Wild Marowak could hold it. Source: my Marowak.
  11. Sp.Atk(Psyduck and Golduck) + Speed(Zubat and Golbat) EV Training spot at Seafoam 1F, really fast for electric pokemons 30+, Makuhita is uncommon(~3%) and Absol is rare(<1%)
  12. it happens sometimes, just retry and it will connect :)
  13. Catch a Clefairy at Safari Mountain Zone or at Dragons Den, it could hold a moonstone
  14. Yes, there are hidden abilities in this game
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