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Newbie Trainer (1/12)
One of my old friend asked for my account months ago to take some money and pokemons since I was afk from this game. However I forgot who he was... Can any staff help me checking my past trade records? like 6/7 months. would be very helpful. Appreciate it!
Hello Everyone, I hope you read through this before doing any shoping or watching in this post. Due to inactivity of my friends and myself. Tens of pages of epic will just lay there and do nothing. I open this shop mainly just lending pokemons. Price will not be high as well. If you wanna overpay a lot to purchase any of them, pm me to check. OFC all my friends' pokemons/gifts will not be sold at all. I am pretty sure you can find what you need here. I know you all have money but not gonna purchase any epics. Same do I. This shop will hopefully help something. Price : Lending pokemon 10-25k/day per pokemon depending on ivs. This isn't high since 750k is nothing a month if you fight bosses. And I am sure the price worth it. But remember you will never hold a pokemon forever. Pm to check availability of Pokemon. Reroll = 600k , not accepting MS and other items. I will categorize Pokemon into 1. Weather: Rain/Sun/Sand 2. Walls 3. Balance 4. Offensive hope you find what you need. [spoiler=Weather] [spoiler=Walls] [spoiler=Balance/Utility] [spoiler=Offensive] [spoiler=Offensive] Will Add friends' pokemons soon. Keep Attention on my shop. Thanks all. My discord is Aurorus->Moon Travler#7398 You can also find me in Chaos Guild Channel. Always feel free to pm and ask : "if you have xxx pokemon to lend to me?" Some pokemons I have not post them multiple times like 31 speed timid Togekiss bold epic Pelipper Sheer force Conkeldurr Some Dragonites 31 speed adament/jolly Lucario jolly 31 speed all kinds of garchomp h.a/non h.a 31 speed or impish All kinds of greninja h.a including 31 speed naive pm for more info.
Almost all post said no but the poll has so many yes in them. can I doubt about the results? I strongly disagree the idea. It is not reasonable at all. Talonflame coming back means, all grass type fighting type and non-talonflame resisted aggressive pokemons will have lower use rate. The meta will be totally destroyed. No trick room, no sun, no balanced team, nothing but talon aggressive team or bulky stalls and rain. like what it was before. The second reason is, if talonflame is coming back, you have to make entire gen 6 back, there is no reason for you to have gen 7 mechanics and moves but a gen 6 talonflame. if you are pushing to gen7 , then forget about the talonflame forever.
Rules: 1. The guild mart would not do any auction/bo/co. Everything is instantly priced. 2. We took MS as 300k. 3. Fake bid will make you added into our black list, marked forever. 4. I accept "pay later" for 1m at most for people who is in the white list. Quickest Way to contact me/comical guild: You may get contact to me with discord: Aurorus-> Daycare Acc for sinnoh#7398 I will speak for my guild as officer. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comical guild now provides hunting services Must read For Our Hunting services : [spoiler=Must read For Our Hunting services : ]Some Q&A for your confusions: 1.What is a hunting quest? Hunting quest, as what it name is, is a quest taken from buyer to hunt what they need. It is a customized service where you can ask for what iv/nature/ability on the pokemon you need. For example : Hi Aurorus, I need an Azumarill adament huge power ability, 30 or 31 atk rest 20+. Alright let's talk about price and rest details. 2. How could you make sure that you will get what I need? To be honest, catching and hunting in pro aren't easy. I am not sure about what I can get for you, but I will do my best. Sometimes you aren't lucky. Sometimes you can get what you want within 1 random encounter and 1 pokeball. But number wins. For common pokemons, we would talk about the number of pokemons you want me to hunt. 10 boxes/20 boxes/30 boxes or even 40 50 depending on the rarity. If there is nothing that meets requirement found within the number of pokemons we already hunt. (Usually there is no chance that there would be 0 usable ones, for usable decent ones, very cheap price would be that since I let you down and compromise for not epic one). If you didnt take anything from me. NO FEES WOULD BE CHARGED. 3. Who will hunt this for me? I don't have that much time as well. I do 2-3 pokemons' hunt per month recently which would be last like a couple of days. But in our guild, there are a lot of good hunters, they have fun when hunting. So don't worry about it. We can work it out here. 4. How about the price? We only take care about Overpriced case. Pay more than it should be, then we hunt. I know price is the biggest concern. But I am sorry that in PRO, there would be no people selling epics for low price now and everyone knows that. People would overpay for Epics but still can't find them because they don't have time to read trade channel/forum. That is why I open hunting quest here. So don't expect to find something that is lower than the market price here. But ofc, the difficulty of hunting would decide the price of the case. For more info about price, contact me through pm/discord. . Pokemons That I Hunt for myself in the first 2 months(Not for sale unless I got great overpay here): You can regard these as examples. Most of them are under tier 6. Btw, my guild members are much better hunters than me. I am just so-so you know. [spoiler=Examples of my hunting.] There are a lot of else Pricing: What would influence the price? Here is some element that goes from most important to least. Rarity? It means how hard we can encounter that pokemon, you can find a list on forum. Tier 9 Pokemon will usually not be accepted unless we are working on it already. Safari?It means do I have to pay to get access to it. Hidden ability? Since large amount hunting, black medalion would be needed for it Time period requirement? All day/only morning/night/day would severely influence the efficiency Capture rate? It means if I do not have to use extra great balls on it(it is actually quite important) Weird Nature? It means that If I can sell the decent ones. Minimum Price for a hunting service: 1 million Pokedollars. Hunting Request Form(Copy and finish this and leave it on reply so it is much easier for both of us) IGN: Pokemon to hunt: IV requirement(detailed): Nature acceptable: Ability needed: Discord account(recommended): Great Case solved: Empty now. Progress what we are working on and some decent pokemons: Empty now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Do you really needs a stealth rock/ spikes/ toxic spikes/ sticky web as entry hazard as an aggressive team? There is a mistake: Every team needs a stealth rock. Not really. Here maybe some problems that you may need a stealth rock. 1. Break Stall. For any physical attacker. You should consider these Physical Shield Pokemons as your target. Tangrowth relaxed 252 def 252 hp [This is most important since it has the widest move pool and would give great threaten to your attacker] Slowbro bold 252 def 252 hp Skarmory impish 252 def 252 hp Clefable bold 252 def 252 hp Hippowdon imp 252 def 252 hp Donphan 252 def 252 hp. Here are some stats about this. I am using lucario as an example, you may think in this way. Jolly Life Orb 252 Atk Life Orb Lucario Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Tangrowth: 140-165 (34.6 - 40.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery well, after you use Close Combat you have your def/spdef lowered by 1/3 (-1) which makes you die to 1 hit from Earthquake from Tangrowth. Tangrowth may get recovery from leftovers/wish/regenerator. But your lucario faints until this battle is over. Adament Choice Band 252+ Atk Choice Band Lucario Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Tangrowth: 178-210 (44 - 51.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery still, we can not kill tangrowth with 2 hits. It is way too tanky. But when you have Stealth Rock on their ground: 252+ Atk Choice Band Lucario Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Tangrowth: 178-210 (44 - 51.9%) -- 72.7% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery Since it is pretty easy to find a 31 atk lucario but not everyone uses 31 def 31 hp tangrowth in pro. 72.7% is big enough. You may use a spike/toxic spike as well, btw some of tangrowth carry rocky hamlet now. So it is 100% for these ones. That is why you need a stealth rock. For any special attacker, the main target is blissey/chansey. it is pretty the same. You do some calculations before you make some choices. 252+ SpA Choice Specs Omastar Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Blissey in Rain: 313-369 (43.8 - 51.6%) -- 69.1% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery Well there is no chance for Omastar to breakthrough a full health chansey though. But if he swtiches in, you could actually hit 3 times. Do some calculations before your battle. Find a way to clear your main opponent before your sweeper gets to sweep them all.
wts bo start 3mil insta would be added once it started Leave your offer here or pm me in game. Enjoy game.
Re: Selling epic riolu(timid) 24+ <t>Like I offered more in game but got ignored? idk</t>
Auction would start at 2m for this one. Insta would be added 24 hours after the auction starts. Time length would be 48-60 hours since I will be busy next 2 days. :Shy: One more epic garchomp added bo start 1.2m. Insta would be added 12 hours after the auction starts. Time length would be 24-36 hours since I will be busy next 2 days. :Shy: Taking pokemon hunting quest, check my forum shop. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=72559&p=416876#p416876
Aurorus 's Shop.Taking hunting quest. 5 epic pokemons updated
Aurorus replied to Aurorus's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
Re: Aurorus 's Shop. Let me get what you need. Taking Hunting Quest. <t>Just letting you know that<br/> Extremly rare pokemon w/ or without H.a would not be taken as quest currently, would be taken later on when I found more hunters.<br/> Rare pokemon with h.a would be considered</t> -
Aurorus 's Shop.Taking hunting quest. 5 epic pokemons updated
Aurorus replied to Aurorus's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
Re: Aurorus 's Shop. Let me get what you need. Taking Hunting Quest. <t>Leave for future edit</t> -
Aurorus 's Shop.Taking hunting quest. 5 epic pokemons updated
Aurorus replied to Aurorus's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
Re: Aurorus 's Shop. Let me get what you need. Taking Hunting Quest. <t>Leave for future edit.</t> -
Aurorus's Hunting Quest Shop. Must read : Some Q&A for your confusions: 1.What is a hunting quest? Hunting quest, as what it name is, is a quest taken from buyer to hunt what they need. It is a customized service where you can ask for what iv/nature/ability on the pokemon you need. For example : Hi Aurorus, I need an Azumarill adament huge power ability, 31 atk rest 25+. Alright let's talk about price and rest details. 2. How could you make sure that you will get what I need? To be honest, catching and hunting in pro aren't easy. I am not sure about what I can get for you, but I will do my best. Sometimes you aren't lucky. Sometimes you can get what you want within 1 random encounter and 1 pokeball. But number wins. For common pokemons, we would talk about the number of pokemons you want me to hunt. 10 boxes/20 boxes/30 boxes or even 40 50 depending on the rarity. If there is nothing that meets requirement found within the number of pokemons we already hunt. (Usually there is no chance that there would be 0 usable ones, for usable decent ones, very cheap price would be that since I let you down and compromise for not epic one). If you didnt take anything from me. NO FEES WOULD BE CHARGED. 3. Why do you have time for so many catches? I don't have that much time as well. I do 2-3 pokemons' hunt per month recently which would be last like a couple of days. But I do know a lot of players they could or willing to take hunting quest. So don't worry about it. We can work it out here. 4. How about the price? I know price is the biggest concern. But I am sorry that in PRO, there would be no people selling epics for low price now and everyone knows that. People would overpay for Epics but still can't find them because they don't have time to read trade channel/forum. That is why I open hunting quest here. So don't expect to find something that is lower than the market price here. The price would be at least slightly higher than market price. But ofc, the difficulty of hunting would decide the price of the case. For more info about price, contact me through pm/discord. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hunting Quest Plate To get a good beginning, no extremly rare pokemon case would be taken, h.a case would be only taken for common pokemons. Will try that in future/for overpay/find other hunters. you may leave a message now Pokemons That I Hunt for myself in the past 2 months(Not for sale unless I got great overpay here): You can regard these as examples. What would influence the price? Here is some element that goes from most important to least. Rarity It means how hard we can encounter that pokemon, you can find a list on forum. Safari?It means do I have to pay to get access to it. Hidden ability? Since large amount hunting, black medalion would be needed for it Time period requirement All day/only morning/night/day would severely influence the efficiency Capture rate It means if I do not have to use extra great balls on it(it is actually quite important) Weird NatureIt means that If I can sell the decent ones. Finished Quests: N/A Ingoing Quests and Progress: Nidoran M h.a Timid Epic 14/20 pages h.a need 1 more day to finish, welcome to contact for decent ones. Hunting Request Form(Copy and finish this and leave it on reply so it is much easier for both of us) IGN: Pokemon to hunt: IV requirement(detailed): Nature acceptable: Ability needed: Discord account(recommended): Price would be further discussed on discord/in game. But You may leave offer do not leave trolling price or I won't bother to contact you. Considering Hunting Target in 1-2 month( You can contact me to book potential decent ones in cheaper price!): Tengla H.a relaxed. Slowpoke calm/bold Nidoking timid h.a --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pokemons For Sale Plate Trade Rules (Must read): 1.Smallest bid would be 50k for each pokemons 2.I respect everyone who bid here But Fake bid would be reported and treated seriously. 3.Coins would be taken according to the market price -50k. 4.I only sell trained pokemon personally. If you do win a pokemon here. I can guarantee that you get that after you win the auction within 12 hours with it fully trained and expected moves/evs(trainning fee would be added) 5. Do not say I cancel my bid/I regret sorry. These would be annoying and considered to add into blacklist/report for severe issue. 6. For pokemons under 1m start price, 36-hour auction would be started once someone started and count time from the time you post your offer and start the auction. Insta price would be added within 36 hours For pokemons over 1m start price, usually 48 hours auction would be started but there might be something I regard important, it might take longer. Insta price would be added 12 hours before the auction ends. Thank you for reading above. Enjoy bidding and hope you can find what you want. Unstarted Auction: 3rd August update: I will be busy for next couple of days. So low offer would be directly ignored. Ingoing Auction: N/A Great sale cases: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black list and evidences: Total sales : 2 pokemons 1,600,000 pokedollars since 7/25/2017