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Everything posted by Comeatmebruh713

  1. i cant log in on either of them blue yellow and red is it on all of them
  2. igot it my brother did it for me im not a pc user either im the worst at computers lol
  3. i complety earesd poke revolution folder...i downloaded the new update but when i open it on the bottom left corner of screen it send me a msg winwar: diagnostic message cannot exacute idk what this is or what i have to do after i download the update pls help
  4. ijust downloaded new update and i double clicked it but it sends me a msg saying winwar:diagnostic msg cannot execute ...i just delte the old update and now i dont even have pokemon revbolution anymore idk what to do .
  5. after i download it what next i clicked on the box on the bottom and opend but didnt work sorry this my brothers account and he did it the first time and im clueless with computers lol
  6. no idea how to do this ..
  7. lol got it thnx bro do u know when the servers will be back up again
  8. just type it in? and dont i have to like copy paste the picture into the box
  9. trying to make my signature a motion pic
  10. thanks for ya ideas blastoise is one of my fav pokes theres just so many ways to run this guy i like to hear how diffrent people decide to set up this bad boy but out of those two options i put out witch sounds better but without considering the rest of the team
  11. should you ev train a blastoise on max hp max spec. def. ... or max spec. def & max def. ? whats more op tank
  12. the other servers expect blue are loading
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