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  1. Hola, Disculpen que vuelva a abrir el post, pero realmente es desesperante que no pueda jugar de la mañana a la noche, solo puedo jugar en la noche ya que en el dia es completamente lleno e imposible de entrar, porfavor aumenten el precio de membresia! pongan mas cosas en la tienda! pero porfavor aumenten la capacidad del juego!! Sorry to reopen the post, but it really is frustrating that I can not play from morning to night, I can only play at night because the day is completely full and impossible to enter, please increase the price of membership! put more things in store! but please increase the capacity of the game !! :Frown: :Cry:
  2. Re: 1600 really? <r>This game became more popular and now in summer, recommend and suggest that the ability of ayumente in 2300, many new players, many who can not play, more urgent capacity!<br/> <br/> <br/> este juego se hizo muy popular y mas ahora en verano, recomiendo y sugiero que la capacidad ayumente en 2300 de una, muchos jugadores nuevos, muchisimos que no pueden jugar, mas capacidad urgente !<br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> Quiero jugar no puedo entrar <E>:Ambivalent:</E> <E>:Exclam:</E></r>
  3. Re: 1600 really? <r><QUOTE author="bluwara"><s> </e></QUOTE> 5 minutes is fine, there are many people who want to play to the absent state longer. <E>:Proud:</E></r>
  4. Re: 1600 really? <r>Please increase the capacity of the server, the current is limited and many people stay without playing it, but just put a store of clothes or mounts or variety of items to increase donations if this is what keeps increasing capacity. . 1700 is very little for all the people who are running out of play !!<br/> <br/> Spanish: por favor aumentar la capacidad del server, la actual es muy limitada y mucha gente se queda sin jugar por ello, pongan una tienda mas basta de ropas o monturas o diversidad de items para aumentar las donaciones si esto es lo que impide aumentar la capacidad.. 1700 es muy poco para toda la gente que se esta quedando sin jugar!!<br/> <br/> <E>:Angry:</E></r>
  5. Re: 1600 really? <r>wow!! fast in 5 min full server <E>:Nervous:</E> ! <br/> <br/> <URL url="https://subefotos.com/ver/?da7c41847e6dfa69f79b66218d1670aeo.png"><s></s><IMG src="https://thumbs.subefotos.com/da7c41847e6dfa69f79b66218d1670aeo.jpg"><s></e></IMG><e></e></URL><br/> <br/> <E>:Bored:</E></r>
  6. Re: 1600 really? <r>Thanks for increase capacity, hopefully you can play with tranquility and no further increase of people? xD ... and I want to play without having to make 30 attempts to enter: v<br/> <br/> <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  7. Spanish: En primer lugar quiero aclarar que todo lo que se diga sera para bien, estamos en temporada de verano, el juego se vuelto muy popular ya que es un gran juego que tendra mucho futuro, la demanda mas que sugerencia es que aumenten la capacidad ya que estamos en "vacaciones" y la gente juega full time, aparte de todos los nuevos usuarios que hay dia a dia, prueben con 1800 pero porfavor aumenten! First I want to clarify that everything you say will be for good, we are in summer, the game will become very popular because it is a great game that will have much future demand rather than suggestion is to increase the capacity as we are on "vacation" and people play full time in addition to all the new users out there every day, but please try to increase 1800! :Exclam: :Sleeping:
  8. is crash client download "x84" please need client 32 bitz!! :Sleeping:
  9. Re: Christmas Event <r>client download 32-bit is not, and the x84 is damaged! please fix! is not just to play some and not others!<br/> <br/> <br/> <E>:n:</E> <E>:Exclam:</E></r>
  10. Jhaxion and ready to buy, thank you! :Heart-eyes: thanks!
  11. speak Spanish, the translation do not understand much of what you mean, buy 100 coin, I'm paying 200k. I want to buy the frame shiny houndum
  12. buy 100 coin, send my account and then accept payment 200K! Send PM interested! serious and honest people! for attempted robbery, photo and the forum! :Shy:
  13. Guild RocketPower I recruit players only from Uruguay. Clan RocketPower recluta para clan unico de uruguayos.. masterguild: Shokito666 :Angel:
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