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Everything posted by Voltare

  1. Congratulations, you have won 'Slowpoke 2' auction. Please contact me in-game(IGN: Voltare) or on forums so we can complete the transaction. Again, congratulations on placing the winning bet. Please contact me using information which I already provided.
  2. During my 'fascinating' adventures in which I looked for perfect Slowpoke, I found many decent ones which most people could be satisfied with. I probably should've settled for one of those but due to my stubbornness I continued looking. Below you'll find the result of my long, sanity breaking, search. Before that however, let's get to the rules: Bidding pokemon in this thread will have following course: if you're interested in any pokemon, you reply here using below example: Slowpoke [NUMBER] Bid: [AMOUNT] After initial reply two day auction starts. If time permits, I'll try to update my post with exact time of its ending and also current price. After two days of said waiting time, the pokemon is yours if you have the highest bid. Have in mind that I accept only in-game pokecash or, if it ever comes to that, membership(400k). Best method to finalize the transaction would be adding me in-game to your friends list. Simple as that. Pokemon below are in random order. Slowpokes with Hidden Ability - STARTING BID: 20k EACH: Slowpoke 1: Current bid: Auction ends: Slowpoke 2: Sold for 25k to iSmurfy Auction ends: Oct 20, 10:58 am UTC Slowpoke 3: Current bid: Auction ends: Slowpoke 4: Current bid: Auction ends: Slowpoke 5: Current bid: Auction ends: Slowpoke 6: Current bid: Auction ends: Slowpoke 7: *Image removed from the host* Sold for 25k to Wlseman Auction ends: Oct 22, 2016 7:36 am UTC Slowpokes without Hidden Ability - STARTING BID: 5k EACH: Slowpoke 8: Current bid: Auction ends: Slowpoke 9: Current bid: Auction ends: Slowpoke 10: Current bid: Auction ends: Slowpoke 11: Current bid: Auction ends: Slowpoke 12: Current bid: Auction ends: Slowpoke 13: Current bid: Auction ends: Slowpoke 14: Current bid: Auction ends: You can always start with higher bid if you believe the pokemon is worth more. This will increase your chances and reduce the time of bidding. Good luck!
  3. I would like to buy Tree Axe(75c). Please send me private message with your offer, either in-game or here on forums. Thank you in advance for taking interest. IG: Voltare
  4. I'm willing to buy it. I can't find you online right now so please contact me if you'll be in-game. My in-game nickname is same as on the forums(Voltare).
  5. I would like to buy Tree Axe(75c). I'm willing to pay around 175k for it. Thank you in advance for taking interest. IG: Voltare
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