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About Abraxun

  • Birthday 05/18/1999

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  • Career
    Staffing a gmod server and teaching kids how to sail :)
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  • Occupation
    Staffing a gmod server and teaching kids how to sa

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  1. 1. What's your PRO nickname & how old are you? Hi. My PRO username is Abraxun, and I am 17 years old. 2. How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? I currently have 328 hours in game. 3. What is your ingame hobby? (farming, selling, pvp) I love to help people in the help chat often with my amigos, and I am in the process of making a PvP team (although I got the worst of luck :Cool: just recently got an epic gastly with all stats 25 and above including SpAtk at 31 except spd at 24...rip.) 4. Why would you like to be a Karp? You all seem like a fun, laid back group. I've been searching for a first guild to join and I'd like to see about joining this one. 5. Are you able to visit our Discord server? Yeah, I primarily use Skype to talk to friends and such individually but I have a discord as well. 6. Is English your primary/secondary language? English is my primary language, yes (I can understand a lot of Spanish too.)
  2. Re: ✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ *Updated* <t>1. Give us a short introduction for us to get to know you.<br/> <br/> Hi, guys. My name is Abraxun. I learned about Pokemon via Pixelmon, as it was the only way I could play not having a Gameboy or DS. I became a seasoned battler through Pokemon Showdown in the years after that and finally I discovered PRO, where I felt at home.<br/> <br/> 2 How many hours have you played?<br/> <br/> 313 hours.<br/> <br/> 3 Regions completed?<br/> <br/> All three.<br/> <br/> 4 What is your personal goal ingame?<br/> <br/> I want to make a valid PvP team. The whole game is still a learning experience for me, as I never experienced the actual feel of the old games. My quest on PRO is all about making a PvP team that I can climb my way up the ladder with, along with becoming more knowledgeable about the game I never actually got the full experience of playing (PRO's as close as I'm gettin')<br/> <br/> 5 Why do you think Team Cosmic is the place for you?<br/> <br/> I've seen Tatsu before. He's a likable guy and that means he hosts a likable clan, which I'd like to be apart of.<br/> <br/> 6 Will you be willing to help trainers?<br/> <br/> Along with a couple of friends of mine (ztaziz, plaubach, nitro, stefan, skog, etc.) I am a very active member of the red server help chat. There I often learn from those who know more than me, and help those who know less than me, because it's satisfying. I would absolutely be willing to help trainers, somewhat with the story and various other bits of advice, but primarily advice with battle, as that is what I excel in when it comes to Pokemon.<br/> <br/> Thanks for reading, <br/> <br/> Abra</t>
  3. Thanks everyone for your help, will try to work it out later. :-)
  4. Hi there, check this guide, it has everything you need to know to start excavating, the spawns are a bit diferent tho, so i wouldnt follow it besides how to start the quest. I appreciate your reply: however, I don't think I made my point clear. A friend of mine just had to pay 100k, and I need to pay 100k and get these rock fragments. Just sort of wondering how that happened haha
  5. Hi all, I've been having some issues with the excavation quest. A few friends of mine were able to immediately start excavating by simply paying Fossil Maniac Charles 100k, and they claim that the fragments have been removed. However, the fossil maniac still wants me to get the fragments. Is this a bug? Thanks, Abraxun :Grin:
  6. Hello, my name's Abraxun, and I'm a fairly new player on the red server. I'm 17 years old and have been playing the game for about two months now (about to fight the last gym in the game, actually) I never actually played the pokemon games, and I got my knowledge from pixelmon (minecraft + pokemon). I look forward to meeting more people :Grin:
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