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  1. I love Pokemon
  2. I went up to the Heat Wave move tutor and try and teach my Murkrow Heat Wave but the move tutor guy says that my Murkrow is unable to learn the move heat wave when it should be able to learn to move Heat Wave via move tutor
  3. decades
  4. If my story line pokemon can't beat the E4 and have to go to special needs of training seems like it would take
  5. Is it possible to beat the Elite 4 without having to use any items I don't like to use items in the middle of the battle and I'm too cheap to buy items to heal myself outside of battles I'm such a noob :Frown:
  6. I notice on after I caught a pokemon I can not give it a nickname to showing more of a bond between pokemon and trainer.
  7. Hello All I recently had just join PRO and I wanted to introduce myself it took me awhile for me to create my username like the hardest part to do for me when ever I start a game also I have so questions regarding towards PRO and I was wondering what are the Blue and Orange text that I see on the forums do they represent anything on why they are two different colors. For the forums are we unable to change the color of it Blue seems kind of hard for me to read I did see something on there earlier can't look at it now though but it was a boarding thing or what not that had allow me to change the color of it but when I did click on it and went to another page afterwards it ended up being back to Blue again.Also for when I was playing PRO I also saw that people's names were either white or green and I was wondering what the colors above the heads represented and also how do I change my forum pic on here do I need to like be around here for awhile in order to have my own forum pic? Cause I tried earlier to try and change it but it seems that I was unable to.
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