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About M4sterj0e

  • Birthday 03/18/1991

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  1. M4sterj0e

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: Our Demons Edition <t>RIP Pooch.</t>
  2. PRO Username: M4sterJ0e Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? I haven't downloaded and played the PRO client in quite a while (~2 months.) What have you already tried to solve the problem? I downloaded the Windows x64 PRO v91 revisions from the "Downloads" section of the Home site, the "Downloads" section of the Forums, and the relevant link posted in the "Known Issues (Updated Nov-05-15)" thread. Description and Message My system is running Windows 10 Pro 64-bit. I'm downloading the PRO v91 update from the sources mentioned above and extracting them with RAR Viewer. However, in the "PRO64_91" folder that is extracted, the only files to be found are "level0" (extension "file"), "level1" (extension "file"), "mainData" (extension "file"), and "resource.assets" (extension "assets"), along with the folder "PRO64_Data". There seems to be no executable or binary file for me to run the client. EDIT: The issue here was the app "RAR Viewer". I downloaded WinRAR and it worked fine for this.
  3. M4sterj0e

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: Koala Fight Edition <r><QUOTE author="Arroar"><s> </e></QUOTE> It was. Can I join you guys. I know you trolled me once but lets be honest. It was a shit video anyway. Can I join<e> </e></QUOTE> It was actually a better Lavender basement guide than that other video. It's a shame that someone in the TS, at the time you posted the link to us, went on multiple accounts to dislike the vid.<br/> <br/> Anyway, welcome to the guild!</r>
  4. M4sterj0e

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: Koala Fight Edition <r><QUOTE author="Arroar"><s> </e></QUOTE> Y-yes. Is that an application?<e> </e></QUOTE> It was. Can I join you guys. I know you trolled me once but lets be honest. It was a shit video anyway. Can I join<e> </e></QUOTE> It was actually a better Lavender basement guide than that other video. It's a shame that someone in the TS, at the time you posted the link to us, went on multiple accounts to dislike the vid.<br/> <br/> Anyway, welcome to the guild!</r>
  5. M4sterj0e

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: Koala Fight Edition <r><QUOTE author="Kyokizu"><s> </e></QUOTE> lol</r>
  6. This is my take on PRO membership and the coin shop. 1. In PRO, as with other Pokemon games, the economy is only half the game. The other half is PvP. It doesn't matter what your bank looks like if you suck Weedle at battling. 2. Pay-to-win mechanics help students and employed people to compete in game wealth with those who have more time on their hands to play. A completely free-to-play game will discourage the former from investing a heavy amount of time and effort into it, only for them to fight a losing battle against the hardcore grinders. Also, with the recent modification of membership into an item, it's more possible for penniless players to afford membership and coins through hard-earned pokedollars. As a player who'd rather not spend real money atm on this game, I'm actually enjoying this win-win situation. 3. Victory Road is poop compared to Dragon's Den when it comes to pokedollar profit and experience gains. A non-member player spending 4-5 hours in Dragon's Den, according to calculations a friend of mine made, will make approximately 100-125k pokedollars. This is not even including the potential pokedollar profit from the experience gained through battle, since lv90-100 Pokemon can be sold for quite a bit compared to their UT counterparts. 4. Doing away with membership benefits is not smart for an up-and-coming game like PRO. Pay-to-win is a necessary evil to support Shane and his project. If players are unloading gratuitous amounts of bills into the game, it just adds to the potential success of PRO. Remember that this game is in beta development and that we're all beta testers.
  7. What's ur ign? It's M4sterj0e (that's a zero after the j.) I haven't been online much lately so that's prob why you couldn't find me.
  8. Everyone IS a liar, whether through admission or omission of details. It's impossible to convey all the connotations/implications of what you say to another person; You either intentionally or unintentionally leave out relevant details surrounding your statements. I think it's more relevant to try to spot opportunistic liars, or people who intentionally lie to achieve a result otherwise impossible through telling the truth. Hence, why Red listed signs that a person might be intentionally lying to another. Intentional liars (or simply "liars", as you would say) often construct thoughts/abstractions from scratch because such abstractions were not originated from their senses. Without having the opportunity to "sense" and process the necessary details, these liars are forced to build abstractions upon abstractions without being able to cite a legitimate source (their senses).
  9. Nice to meet other players from the NY metro area (I'm a BX boi myself :P) Welcome to the game!
  10. It would be nice to keep track of all the players I've ignored, just in case this information could be used in the future.
  11. M4sterj0e

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: May's Edition <r><QUOTE author="Mouchies"><s> </e></QUOTE> Alright, I'll add you to the list now. Check your inbox.</r>
  12. So I just went into Slowpoke Well and walked into the line of sight of an NPC. The exclamation point appeared, but no text or battle followed. I believe this is still the result of the aformentioned post.
  13. I went into the Saffron station and spoke to the officer to get to the Goldenrod station. Then, I spoke to the Goldenrod officer to check something. I didn't want to go back to Saffron or Trainer Valley, but since there was no option to close the menu, I logged off while the menu was still up. When I relogged, I spoke to the Goldenrod officer to leave through the turnstile. However, no dialogue or menu appeared. The result was the same when I spoke to the officer to go back to Saffron. Right now I'm stuck in the Goldenrod station platform.
  14. Steins Gate was awesome! :Cool: Anyway, welcome to PRO.
  15. M4sterj0e

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: Four Star Edition <r><QUOTE author="Mirzas"><s> </e></QUOTE> Never heard of ya. <E>:Cool:</E></r>
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