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Everything posted by Supercutebbg

  1. Re: Wts epic - Gible, Timid Togepi, Naive Staryu~ <r><QUOTE author="lampshadejaz"><s> </e></QUOTE> Insta the togepi<e> </e></QUOTE> okay. pm me in game : supercutebbg <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  2. Re: Wts epic - Gible, Timid Togepi, Naive Staryu~ <r>insta price updated! <E>:Angry:</E> <E>:devil:</E></r>
  3. Re: Wts epic - Gible, Timid Togepi, Naive Staryu~ <r><IMG src="https://holland.pk/n38jyhi1"><s></e></IMG> - 450k c.o. by hereje</r>
  4. Re: Wts epic - Gible, Timid Togepi, Naive Staryu~ <r><IMG src="https://holland.pk/sm8tpbr2"><s></e></IMG> - 400k c.o. for gible by Cnnblt</r>
  5. Re: Wts epic - Gible, Timid Togepi, Naive Staryu~ <r><IMG src="https://holland.pk/nrslue59"><s></e></IMG> 350k for gible/ 850k for togepi by Fikri189</r>
  6. Re: Wts epic - Gible, Timid Togepi, Naive Staryu~ <r><QUOTE author="lampshadejaz"><s> </e></QUOTE> sorry for post late, 700k is offered by kunnphak eariler than your offer. <E>:Shocked:</E></r>
  7. Re: Wts epic - Gible, Timid Togepi, Naive Staryu~ <r><IMG src="https://holland.pk/bp54egoa"><s></e></IMG> - 700k c.o. by kunnphak for togepi</r>
  8. Re: Wts epic - Gible, Timid Togepi, Naive Staryu~ <r><IMG src="https://holland.pk/ctdfmy31"><s></e></IMG> - 330k for gible by Dlgud47, the auction start by now.</r>
  9. Re: Wts epic - Gible, Timid Togepi, Naive Staryu~ <r><IMG src="https://holland.pk/y2e5810d"><s></e></IMG> - 500k c.o. by kunnphak</r>
  10. 200k s.o. 400k insta 400k s.o. 400k s.o. 100k s.o. 400k s.o. 48 hours auction start when someone is offered I will sell these poke when the offer reach my target <3 You guys could put your insta here or pm me in game~ 0w0
  11. 2mil for dragonite
  12. Which shiny is not shown up in this server by now? :Angel: :devil:
  13. Price check pls~ <3 and I wanna know how many shiny togepi in this server?
  14. When would the auction end? :Ambivalent:
  15. insta sold to Blacksabbath insta sold to Nintendork
  16. 300k for Shroomish
  17. 300k s.o. 300k s.o. 250k s.o. 100k s.o. 24 hours auction instant price negotiable if sounds good to me REMINDER: i can refused any offer if I don't like it (Thanks for XiaoRodzwaffles, I'm lazy to type the rules.)
  18. Re: Selling Shiny Dratini (Auction) !!! <t>This should be the first shiny dratini in this server? I have seen shiny dragonair only..-w- I will not evo shiny dratini if I have it lol..</t>
  19. Re: Staraptor EPIC [Ready PvP] <t>600k here~</t>
  20. I will start 800k for talonflame <3
  21. i have quite a lot of pokes need daycare service..pm me in game: supercutebbg
  22. what's the insta price you sold?(just ask)
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