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Everything posted by Thejollypear

  1. Don't double post. But I'll answer here again. Try escape roping.
  2. I believe green and pink. I could be wrong though. :Crazy:
  3. Yes this has happened to me. Just restart the client for it to be fixed. :Grin:
  4. OOOH BOY ASH. If you want designs come to him. He is amazing. I'd definitely come to you for designs. Love your work, psyduck out. :Angel:
  5. Wouldn't be a bad idea. But if you screenshot you both agreeing on the trade evolve and they will return it. You can get them in trouble I believe. Ask in all chat, some friendly people will do Evo trades :). Or join a guild and ask your fellow guild members :D
  6. Could you provide some screenshots so I could further help you?
  7. I thought that aswell. But I may be wrong.
  8. After the 8th badge if I get my kanto Charizard(lvl 86) and Gengar(lvl 91) with this Typhlosion and a Magikarp, I have good chances right? Yes that'd be good. With gyarados and your gengar will be amazing again like in the Kanto E4. I believe this is a good team for the Johto elite 4. Good luck :)
  9. Re: Headbutt Sync/Poke Stops/Dig Spots Guide for Kanto. <r><QUOTE author="Peeko"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> <br/> Hello I'm the better cosmic member here. This is an amazing guide. Thank you for this.</r>
  10. I'd fully close PRO, and open it and try to log in. This usually happens when you try to relog to fast. Tell me if this works. :Shy:
  11. Instead of asking for guilds to PM you which may work. I'd go apply on a guilds forum thread. Works better :)
  12. Re: New Zone: Valley Of Steel <r><QUOTE author="HeavenlyBlue"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> <br/> I may or may not be. I've yet to find out.</r>
  13. its not invisible queue..its said "you cant connect to the server" Servers are just offline, it happens several times a day. We just have to be patient. Yeah, I'm on vacation with no computer so I haven't been on pro in a bit. Thanks :)
  14. Welcome to PRO man. He answered your question above. But if you need anything feel free to PM me. :)
  15. Hmm, try fully restarting PRO. Or just give it time. Don't really know.
  16. Hmm, what does it say? If it shows nothing but doesn't crash, let it run. May be an invisible queue.
  17. I believe arena trap is implemented.
  18. Ohh yea, youd double click real quickly in the direction you wanna face and instead of initiating movement youll change direction. We dont need it but if its something simple to add, would be cool. Mostly for those who wanna hang out in front of their favorite poke center or map and show of some pokemons! wooot It would be, plus for screen shots :P. Definitely a possibility.
  19. Wouldn't you have to double tap forward when your stopped? Cause you'll iniate the standing walk, then have to click again to move in that desired location. Not a bad idea, I just don't think we need it currently.
  20. I agree with Coop. Go farm cash, and you'll lvl up pokes aswell. You have to remember safari zones have a 20 minute time your allowed inside. So the crashing ect wasted your time. Then it probably expired and kicked you outside. PM me if you need any more assistance.
  21. Re: New Zone: Valley Of Steel <t>Very awesome. Love to see this implemented! Can't wait to visit :3<br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> Edit: I'm a noob. This is old. Hahahahahah</t>
  22. Honestly I don't care about the clones that much. But I'll probably regret not hunting :P.
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