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Everything posted by Evilshuckle

  1. Okay I said it wrong. I do think that with the warnings and a high price it will mostly be fine, so it is a step in the right direction. I was just thinking that your suggestion wouldn't be enough for the devs to do it, because it still leaves those who do abuse it and it's not as easy to ban those. However, I may have a solution. When you want to change the nickname of a pokemon, you can use those naming tokens. When you do so, the nickname is first sent to a mod to see whether it's acceptable. If it is, then it will actually be changed. This would prevent people from picking offensive names for the most part (with the exception different languages I suppose). On the other hand, if it does become popular, the mods would spend a lot of time going though names... but. Meh.
  2. Thanks man :) I can be creative at times when I want something lol It is a good idea indeed. For the people that really want to. I myself have never understood the allure of nicknaming, so paying for it seems like one hell of a waste of money, but if you would, surely others will too. It's easily added and a nice way for the devs to get some more money. However, I disagree that we can all moderate it. Like you said, you'd really need both a button to report someone but also the screenshot. Otherwise people would report other players for having a pokemon with a bad name, and then the mods would spend quite some time finding that particular pokemon, with boxes filled with pokemon. The name of a player itself is just stored in a database and also be seen right away, thus banning/warning them is easy. This is not. So, if it were to be added, there would have to be a better solution than the way you suggested
  3. Yesterday or so I made a thread with a suggestion I still to believe to be good. It got misunderstood and before I even had the chance to clarify, it got locked. I tried contacting the mod, but as was pointed out instead of messaging mods I should put it on the forum, so here I am. My suggestion was to make players get pokedollars by fighting other real players. This would make battling other players more interesting, because there would actually be a point to it for new players. In the last generations of pokemon games you could battle other players without getting xp or gold, which you would do to test your skill with finished pokemon teams. However, this is a different type pokemon game, a completely online one, but at the moment the game is just like nintendo made pokemon games. Surely, you see other players, but they aren't really there, as you can walk through them, and battle them without it really doing anything. You only interact with them, pretty much when you've finished the storyline. If battling trainers of the same level would get you pokedollars or even xp, it would really integrate the other players into the game. Having this alternate way to get money or even xp would mean getting money from pokemon in the wild could be removed. Gengar17 responded to this by saying I must be joking because getting pokemon from the wild has been the main way of getting money for 20 years and it would be counterproductive to remove it. Gengar17 clearly completely misunderstood my point, because there hasn't been a single game where you'd get pokedollars from pokemon in the wild. The main source of income was from battling npc trainers. Winning would get you a bit of money, whereas losing would result in losing some. My suggestion also wasn't about the removal of getting money from pokemon in the wild bit (even though it still makes no sense to me. A ratata giving you 5 pokedollars for knocking him out), but about integrating other players into the game, so the game actually is an online game, as opposed to it being almost the same as nintendo made games. Now, because in the actual pokemon games you'd gain money for winning but lose it for losing, it would make sense to me that battling real players would also result in one of the players losing money whereas the other one gets it. Gengar17 said that the only good suggestion I had was the bit about getting/losing money when facing other players. This was, in fact, the only thing I suggested in the first place. About it being used to steal from new players: New players wouldn't have any pokedollars to begin with. In any of the games you'd lose some money losing a battle. Just like that, you'd now lose the same amount for losing against a real player, it would be just like the actual games, except that other players are really part of it. Other than pokedollars, getting a bit of xp could also be interesting, although this might be xploited (as the xp gain would be a lot higher than just battling pokemon in the wild), so maybe the xp gained could be lowered drastically, making it about as much as just fighting a pokemon in the wild. I hope this thread is now clarified. Also, hopefully the matter can now be discussed instead of it instantly being locked because it wasn't clear enough.
  4. Well, the whole idea of iv is that it's a hidden value which cannot be changes. This kinda makes most of the pokemon game. You have to catch a pokemon often to find one with potential, to be strong enough. If you'd be able to change iv, it would make most pokemon a lot less valuable, because the good ones won't be as rare. Besides, it would completely alter a pokemon game, so I don't think a small game like that is the right place. But that's just what I think
  5. I'm new to PRO, but when I battled another player I found out you get no money or xp from battling them. However, any hp lost is still lost. This makes battling any real player not just practically pointless (other than a test of skill, but that'd also be highly situational because you don't know how good your opponent is) but even a bad thing (with the hp remaining lost and all). I think that getting money if you win would improve the game a lot. You both pay an X amount of money to battle someone, and the winner gets it. That would reward good players, and with that getting money from pokemon in the wild could be removed (since it makes no sense whatsoever). About XP gain I'm not sure, because it would be exploitable. Two players could just battle forever til their pokemon are very high level. Maybe only for the winning player as well? That way it wouldn't really be exploited, because both players wouldn't benefit from it. Just one. The other would be wasting time. Possibly make the xp gained from these battles low, so it would be as low as fighting single pokemon in the wild. At the moment there is no real interaction with other players. You can fight, but it doesn't really do anything. Expending the game by making battles with people actually matter would, in my opinion, greatly benefit the game.
  6. I agree. You don't want to be fighting pokemon 50 levels lower. A VS seeker would be ideal
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