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Everything posted by Mooncheater

  1. Re: 5 Pokemons lvl 100 Good & Epic <t>220k for weavile</t>
  2. [glow=red]larvitar[/glow] nature: impish/relaxed/sassy ability:guts ivs: all 20+ except speed 10+ [glow=red]azurrill[/glow] nature:adamant ability:huge power ivs: att 26+ def 20+ spd 10+ spdef 20+ hp: 25+ :thanks:
  3. nidoking NO SOR :confused: IF 250k I can buy it. no thanks
  4. i literally fail like a 50% of will o whisp that i use. it has a 85% of precision maybe could be a bug there or is just my bad luck? :Crazy:
  5. hi i have this nidoking offer me if u r interested. :thanks:
  6. Is not about if u can do it or not. Is just about education and respect. I would be glad if u stop this no sense conversation, thanks
  7. ty but i didnt ask u. and if u think so u can pm and tell me that. is not necessary to post that here, respect other posts :thanks:
  8. yeah, is really sad to have a chansey lv100 and cant use it :Frown: :Frown:
  9. u can teach it whirlwind. is the same thing :Angel:
  10. I'd offer 90k + ty for the offer but i think i will keep it :Angel:
  11. how much is "a bit more" i hoped to get around 150k.. maybe i should trained it ....
  12. would offer you 80k ty but ill keep it. i was thinking in a bit more :Smile:
  13. Re: adamant (epic) shiny geodude (for battle of the shinies) <r>200k <E>:Exclam:</E></r>
  14. Re: wts epic drought timid ninetales <t>kabutops sold ty</t>
  15. Re: wts epic drought timid ninetales; jolly kabutops swift swim <r>looking for offers again since fphoe cancel his offer without tell me anything. nice guy <E>:boot:</E></r>
  16. Re: wts epic drought timid ninetales; jolly kabutops swift wim (ongoingauction) <t>10h left</t>
  17. Re: wts epic drought timid ninetales; jolly kabutops swift wim (ongoingauction) <t>Bump</t>
  18. Re: wts epic drought timid ninetales; jolly kabutops swift wim (ongoingauction) <r><E>:boot:</E></r>
  19. Re: wts epic drought timid ninetales; jolly kabutops swift wim <r><QUOTE author="totobob"><s> </e></QUOTE> u r bo , ty</r>
  20. Re: wts epic drought timid ninetales; jolly kabutops swift wim <t>Up</t>
  21. Re: wts epic drought timid ninetales; jolly kabutops swift wim <t>.</t>
  22. Auction will end 24h after first offer MS=125k(max 2) [glow=red]star auction 275k/insta 500k[/glow] [glow=red]sold by totobob/ 600k[/glow] :thanks:
  23. i saw a couple of times that when a dragonite fight against my poke with swift swim (under rain) and used outrage he attacks first. wich is impossible. fix that pls
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