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Everything posted by Cr4hser

  1. Re: WTS Epic Hippowdown INST ADDED <t>2.5m :)</t>
  2. so i won the chandelure right?
  3. Re: WTS 6 poké epic <t>400k starmie</t>
  4. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse [New Pokemon Added 08/07] <t>starmie 200k :)</t>
  5. Re: WTS 6 poké epic <t>starmie 300k :)</t>
  6. 150k :)
  7. Re: EPIC Impish Scizor <t>2.5 m :)</t>
  8. Re: EPIC Impish Scizor <t>2,3m :)</t>
  9. Re: Duskull, Amaura, Bergmite and Ferro sassy <t>ferro 200k :)</t>
  10. i totally agree on the point that focus sash SHOULDNT be a consumble. First of all there are only a few Pokemon which are using Focus Sash in competive play as an Item so changing the item wouldnt change that much, BUT it would increase the variety of pokemons used. It would open up some more teamoption without having the trouble to buy/grind new sashes every hour. On the other hand focus sash isnt an "OP". It's really not. The afford to get this item isn't in balance with the use/power of the Item. I know that PRO isn't a battle Simulator and i know that PRO can't be directly compared to the regular series, but limiting the currently few existing/working pvp Items by making focus sash an consumble Item isn't the best/right decision in my opinion. I think that the game should differentiate between grinding and the PvP aspect. Once you grinded for your perfect PVP mon's and your team of choice you should not be limited further by making focus sash an consumble or any other rare PvP item.
  11. Re: EPIC Impish Scizor <t>1.6m .:)</t>
  12. thanks for your offer but to late sadly:/ charmander auction 2 hours to go
  13. Re: epic vulpix, epic charmanders/jolly h.a <t>bump!</t>
  14. Re: WTS epic modest charmander --> 20 minutes left!! <t>last 20 minutes guys!:)</t>
  15. Re: vulpix sold!!!! : WTS epic modest charmander auction timer starded! <t>bumb :)</t>
  16. Re: ~~> RARE & EPIC POKES ! <~~ <t>toge 1.2m :)</t>
  17. Re: WTS epic yanmeg <t>250k :)</t>
  18. Re: vulpix sold!!!! : WTS epic modest charmander auction timer starded! <t>bump charmander auction timer started!</t>
  19. Re: WTS epic vulpix h.a 3*31, 5*25+ (20 minutes left!!) WTS epic modest charmander, 161 iv's <r><QUOTE author="Reirrac"><s> </e></QUOTE> sorry but the auction was already over<br/> gz too neounderdog 13 gonna message you!</r>
  20. Re: WTS super epic vulpix h.a 3*31, 5*25+ ; WTS super epic modest charmander, 161 iv's; 10 iv's missing for perfect 5*31 <t>insta for vulpix added</t>
  21. Re: EPIC Cloyster for sell! ( Egg moves etc. ) <t>2.9m :))</t>
  22. Re: WTS super epic vulpix h.a 3*31, 5*25+ ; WTS super epic modest charmander, 161 iv's; 10 iv's missing for perfect 5*31 <t>/ combined both auctions</t>
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