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Wildteddy's Achievements



  1. ah man O: thanks i didnt kno lol
  2. Can't leave the current guild that im in, so can someone kick me out. i dont know if the guild leader even logs on anymore.
  3. Re: Taipouz shop : Dragonite HA + 3 new Poke <t>250k gliscor HA</t>
  4. Re: ✰ Polyxena's hunting service ✰ <t>Gale wings adamant talonflame or fletchling<br/> 20+ atk and spd</t>
  5. Wtb adam gale wings talonflame pm if you want to sell $
  6. Gale wings talonflame adam nature good speed and atk IV
  7. Re: RayCefiro's Shop (updated 01/11//2015) <t>Festival town</t>
  8. Re: RayCefiro's Shop (updated 01/11//2015) <t>Where? And right now?</t>
  9. Re: RayCefiro's Shop (updated 01/11//2015) <t>35k on first Magmar lvl 17</t>
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