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About Canjica

  • Birthday January 24

Canjica's Achievements



  1. What is your Discord tag? [Example @DiscordTag#1234] @IgorPAssis#9181 How often do you use Discord? Everyday. If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? It would be nice to have a suggestion channel inside PRO's discord, so we, players, could give a lot of ideas to improve the game (for example: to make a better way to sort the pokemons at pc or even a way to choose itens in android version, etc).
  2. MEMBER CATEGORY Smartest: mohtep12 Friendliest: randel00 Funniest: ceetiger Coolest: anykillador Comeback Player of the Year: hannibalph Most Talkative: ceetiger Most Trustworthy: randel00 Most Helpful: shinumaru Most Missed: lhisokal Most Influential: shinumaru Most Intriguing: bruh STAFF CATEGORY Best GM: Neroli Best CC: No Vote Best MOD: Mutantspider Best CS: Biazola Best Artist: Sirmeowington Best Mapper: Tiggus Most Professional Staff: Neroli Most Friendly Staff: Mutantspider Most Dedicated Staff: Saphirr Most Honorable Former Staff: No Vote
  3. NPC: Santa Claws Dialogue: Ho Ho Ho! I'm the legendary Santa Claws! I sell every type of claws in this game! Check it out! If Player Buys something: Merry Clawsthimas! If Player doesnt: And that's why you were a bad child this year! Ho Ho Ho!
  4. 1) I'm from Natal, Brazil; 2) I have 80h of gameplay; 3) My favourite pokemon is Beedrill. The reason for that is because I love the yellow/black colors combination and Beedrill has it. His normal/mega visual is insane, in my opinion and I really see as a huge challenge to train one during the game (I've got my weedle and I'm leveling up it to got my beedrill lvl 100); 4) Why this headset should be mine? Because I really love to hear the sounds of this game while I'm playing and to have the oportunity to get a wonderful headset would make me really happy, cause I believe that would be a whole new experience of hearing the sounds with more quality and that would make me play this game even more. Thanks for the oportunity and congrats for this giveway!
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