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Everything posted by Lolwut123456

  1. Re: [bLUE] New 2017! Clan nMe is now open & recruiting! <t>IGN: Lolwut123456<br/> How old are you?: 27<br/> Where are you from?: Texas<br/> How many game play hours do you have?: 963<br/> What is your favorite Pokemon and why?: Deino because he's super cute<br/> Why do you want to join?: because i've known you for years and u made me post this application. or something!!!</t>
  2. Also willing to trade for a good quick feet shroomish/technician breloom or a beldum
  3. insta 2mil, post here or pm in game
  4. You'd still hunt for them, its not like you just happen upon a 2/3/4x 31 iv pokemon every day. This is literally the only pokemon game that does not have breeding, which means hunting alone is the only way to find a pokemon. Pure RNG is not a good system for rewarding the time invested in hunting pokemon. And if they were to be account locked after a reroll it would have a positive effect on the economy, draining some of the excess cash in exchange for pokemon that won't be sold. And more importantly, it adds a little value to pokemon who would otherwise be trash. Theres currently been a 5x30+ iv abra floating in trade on blue that rolled a brave nature. It has 0 value because of that, but if thiswere implemented it instead has some trade value for the fact that someone who wants it and has the resources to do so can save it.
  5. I'd support this, more importantly it would allow you to get the evolution for yourself to go towards pokedex completion and legendary requirements. And it would cut down on the need for mods to come trade for people.
  6. I'm sure this has been suggested at one point or another, but the general idea seems like something that could be fine tuned and then supported. Lets say, for example, I catch a nearly perfect electrike, but it has a Lax nature. Now, normally that means its garbage and that pokemon is going to be sold for story content or simply trashed. But what if an NPC was introduced that would, for a large and scaling fee, reroll my nature to another random nature as many times as I liked/could afford. Now, instead of a 2/3/4 IV pokemon simply going to waste because of a poor nature, you are able to save them at a cost. I pitched this idea in blue All Chat a few times, and the main complaint I saw was that it would take away from the need to hunt for pokemon. Which is why I would suggest a HIGH starting price, so that the only way this would ever be used is on a pokemon that is very, very good. Meaning amazing IVs, hidden ability, extreme rarity whatever. As it would also be a scaling fee for a random nature, that would make it a gamble and again decrease the chances of someone using it for a borderline pokemon. I don't have any numbers in mind as of yet, but if there is support for this then that would be something the Devs could work out relatively easily. Thoughts?
  7. Re: Hoenn Rock Discovery Spots <t>Cooldown is 24 hours roughly.</t>
  8. Re: Ingame BOSS [FIXED NEW BOSS INFORMATION !!] <t>Got an Elekid from Lt Surge holding an electrizer, and a Sail Fossil from Gingery Jones. Didn't think to take pics of them sorry</t>
  9. During the first half of day 1 Hoenn it was possible to find Houndour inside here. I know this for a fact because I found several and then lost them to a rollback. I'm curious was it updated to replace him with poochyena or simply remove him, or is it now bugged?
  10. If you're still having a problem, go back up to the moon and DO NOT USE AN ESCAPE ROPE. Get into an encounter and log out, it will put you back in your most recent PC and then you can go back up and should see Rayquaza. I was having the same issue, when I logged in earlier I simply logged during a battle and came back and he was there
  11. Seems if you escape rope out enough(1, 2 times?) the stone can disappear and so can rayquaza. Where he should be
  12. It would seem that if you leave the moon without talking to rayquaza, he disappears and stalls the quest line out thats where hes supposed to be
  13. Insta 1.5mil, ends in 24 hours
  14. https://puu.sh/pbK4R/4b8cbcfd00.png Well over 500 hours, not that its relevant to this conversation. The only "rights" here are those of the people buying the medallions from the developers. They set the price they want to sell at, and you can choose not to buy it for that much. Then either people lower the price for them, or other people give in and over pay. As the price goes up, more people buy medallions and then the price starts to fall again. Its a free market, if you want to buy MS at 150k you can set that as the price you'll pay and wait and see if someone sells. Just like I can go buy a MS from the store and try to sell it at 1mil. No one has to buy it for that price, just like no one has to sell it for 150k. Does not change the fact, that "these people" destroy economy and they have fake accounts. Keep in mind, that less demand affect on development game. Simply Admins less earn. Okay first off, this was literally ONE person posting in trade that they were selling MS at 500k that started all of this nonsense. Second, how exactly is anyone "destroying the economy?" They're offering a service, that you don't have to accept, at a reasonable price. MS is not selling for 500k consistently, it is selling for 300 - 350k. And for the people comparing it to red, there's more people willing to buy medallions to sell on that server clearly. So my point stands, if you want the price to go down increase the supply. as to your point about "fake accounts", even if that is true it has less influence than you think. Some people may see the random trade post but for the most part it has no effect if they don't actually buy MS for whatever price. People just spam trade that they're faking offers and everyone ignores it. The reason something sells at a consistent price is because people will buy it for that price, its as simple as that.
  15. Tell me, how much u have hours in game, that u speak one's mind? People have right, because other people presuppose fake accounts. https://puu.sh/pbK4R/4b8cbcfd00.png Well over 500 hours, not that its relevant to this conversation. The only "rights" here are those of the people buying the medallions from the developers. They set the price they want to sell at, and you can choose not to buy it for that much. Then either people lower the price for them, or other people give in and over pay. As the price goes up, more people buy medallions and then the price starts to fall again. Its a free market, if you want to buy MS at 150k you can set that as the price you'll pay and wait and see if someone sells. Just like I can go buy a MS from the store and try to sell it at 1mil. No one has to buy it for that price, just like no one has to sell it for 150k.
  16. You guys really don't understand economics do you? Its called supply and demand. If fewer people are supplying the medallions, the price goes up. Just because you want to spam trade, which should have gotten you all muted, about how "outrageous" it is that one random person was trying to sell one for 500k doesn't make anything you say matter. If you want the price to go down, increase the supply. I know, $5 a month can be a lot to ask, but if you want to control the price that is the only direct way. Developers should never and likely will never intervene.
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