Re: Shop : Selling some Stuffs [PvP Pokemons LBO]
<t>is it possible for u sell tommorow i wnt be available for 2 weeks after tommorow...???<br/>
and also pls tell me wen u will be online in game specify time...<br/>
Yes queue shud be removed....I waited like 2 hrs...yesterday and my position got to 824 from 850....before the queue system was introduced....even wen the server was full...I was able to login within in 10-15 mins....this is totally unfair....
Primary Text: (ex BojacK)
Secondary Text: ()
Main image: (a trainer and his pokes(empoleon, Mega charizard x, Electivire, Gyarados, scizor, salamance)
Color Scheme: (its upto you)
Dimensions: (360x 120)
Other: (Any other specifications)
Thank you
PRO Username: Bojack
Do you have active membership?: No
Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge
What have you done before the problem was there?
Bought n empoleon from a player...i dnt remember his name...then i went offline...!! wen i logged in it says i am banned..!!! i never knew the player was a bug abuser sir....
What have you already tried to solve the problem?
I have made n appeal in dicipline appeals.
Description and Message
Pls unban me i have done nothing sir... i never knew the trader was bug abuser/scammer. i am a fair player bought and sold pokes fairly...pls help me... :(