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Everything posted by BllacKMasK

  1. Will u trade pokes?if yes I offer a aeridacryl EV trained PvP ready good IVs jolly nature ,+ 150 k for talon or blissey or sceptile.. Regards
  2. Re: Selling PVP Dragonite Hidden ability <r><QUOTE author="koukoubill"><s> </e></QUOTE> hey thnx for the offer mate...i hav added ur offer as BO. :)</r>
  3. Awesome event...thnx alot guyz!!!! :) cheers and good luk to everyone!!!
  4. thnx alot man!!! very fast and awesome daycare service u got there!!!!
  5. need daycare for fetchling lvl 16-98 evs : 252 attack n speed thnx
  6. OK I'll add...u...m online now :)
  7. Hi I need daycare for my eevee lvl 26-97 Also EV's 252 attack n speed rest on spdef Thnx alot
  8. Re: Selling epic ferrothorn <r><QUOTE author="Ghaitz"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thnx for the offer brother<br/> You have bo for now.. :)</r>
  9. Re: Selling epic ferrothorn <r><QUOTE author="Breezyg"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thnx for the offer brother<br/> You have bo now.</r>
  10. Sold thank you!!
  11. Hi admins, Pls help...as I am not able to login ...it says user already logged in....pls help thnx...I been trying for hours...
  12. IGN : Bojack The reason I want this mouse is because I dnt have a mouse and I am currently using my laptops inbuilt mouse...which sucks sometimes and was looking to buy one myself. and moreover this mouse looks cool...and I can't wait to get my hands on it xD..and thnx for this give away Shane :)
  13. Welcome to PRO Cronorei...enjoy the game !! :)
  14. Onboard....welcome to PRO buddy!!! Njoy
  15. PRO Username: Bojack Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? Its been 1 month since this problem started....my friends list in game is not working...example....I add a frnd in game and he accepts it...it will show him as online....but if I logout n login....the frnd which I added is not there....bit he is on What have you already tried to solve the problem? I have tried adding them again and again but no use...once I logout n login again they are unfriended automatically or not shown online(when they are on) Description and Message Its been 1 month since this problem started....my friends list in game is not working...example....I add a frnd in game and he accepts it...it will show him as online....but if I logout n login....the frnd which I added is not there....bit he is on. Frnds which I add are automatically unfriended or not shown online (when they are on) when I logout and login again...admins pls help is solving this issue ...thnx in advance Bojack...
  16. Great daycare centre...Very fast...Thnax alot Maddogs u rock....i will recommend this toall my friends. :y: :Grin:
  17. Bro is beldum finished? I am online now... Thnx
  18. bro been waaiting like 3 hours for u....its ok...ill give the oke tommorow...
  19. Hello ...need ev training(attck and speed 252 evs) + lvl up from lvl 10 -95 Pokemon : Gible
  20. Hello Regisgaming....!!! Welcome to PRO...njoy the game bro!!!
  21. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <t>Ign: Bojack<br/> <br/> Dragonite lvl 63 <br/> <br/> Full EV training required atk n speed</t>
  22. Welcome to PRO mate!!! Njoy ur adventure!! :)
  23. Welcome to PRO my friend!!!! njoy!!!
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