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Everything posted by Srockjohnny

  1. Re: Christmas Event Part 1 <r>Nice event i am enjoying it!<br/> Love the map, it's great. Keep it up <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  2. Welcome ZheiyLa, nice to meet you :Grin:
  3. Guess you need lemonade or another drink to get acces to saffron. Buy it in celadon shopping mall. Hope this will help you.
  4. Re: plz bring dragon dance into the game <r>Do you mean especially for charizard? Because the move dragon dance is already in game.<br/> Or do you want a dancing charizard? <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  5. Check server status, watching tv, check server status, training, check server status, play another game, check server sta.....wait! it's online :Grin:
  6. Welcome to PRO, nice to meet you :Grin:
  7. Welcome to PRO my nerdy friend.
  8. "Wie trete ich bei" wurde aktualisiert. Willkommen an Dragoran :Shy:
  9. Nice to meet you Fii :Grin:
  10. You're welcome :Grin:
  11. Guess you just need to go to the PC in one of the Pokemon Centers. There you can switch your Pokemon. Hope i didn't misunderstood you.
  12. Re: What this could be... <r>I am so excited <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  13. Moin Giggle, vielen Dank für deinen Post :Grin: Ich antworte leider erst jetzt (hatte eigentlich gedacht, dass man eine Benachrichtigung bekommt, wenn im eigenen Thread gepostet wird... dem ist wohl nicht so). Da wir gerade noch ganz am Anfang stehen und zudem eine deutsche Gilde sind, ist das Wachstum (momentan noch) entsprechend gering. Wir als Leader sind eigentlich jeden Tag on (Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel). Der Leader wird sich, denke ich, im Laufe des heutigen Tages bei dir melden. Falls du noch Interesse hast, freuen wir uns über deinen Beitritt. Viele Grüße Srockjohnny :Shy:
  14. 21
  15. Hello Shenron, nice to meet you.
  16. Hey Bobby, nice to meet you :Grin:
  17. Welcome, nice to meet you.
  18. hello :Ambivalent: Welcome to PRO :Grin:
  19. Welcome to PRO :Grin: Hope you had a good start.
  20. Hello Revika, nice to meet you.
  21. Welcome Mukuro, nice to meet you :Grin:
  22. If you are already in Johto then you can't touch your Pokemon's from Kanto before you get the raising badge. That includes the items as well i guess.
  23. Well that happened to me too. That's the risk of open beta i guess :confused: :Crazy: I don't think that the fight will resume... but it's not the last shiny you'll see :Shy:
  24. Welcome to PRO. Good luck on your road, never give up :Shy:
  25. Nice to meet you and welcome to PRO :Grin:
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